Health & Medical Mental Health

Manage Stresses - It Is Not A Psychological Disorder

You can manage stresses; it is not a psychological disorder. If you ask few people randomly if stress is a psychological disorder you'll almost certainly get all positive responses. You can Manage Stresses When you'll know it is not a psychological disorder. Now conduct the same testing with such number of psychologists, psychiatrists and stress management experts you'll probably get again all positive responses.

But if you discover that all of these responses were actually wrong that might surprise you, mightn't you?

How it Grows

Stresses appear in modern days easily and take a serious roll on the well being of everywhere. Financial obligations to be met either familial or social, goals to reach at the workplace, affiliation issues, lot of social and family issues, other chaos in a lot of people's life. Nowadays news headlines and magazine articles are filled with shocking news which induces lot of stress and these induced senseless actions taken by many people. It is not limited to any specific people or specific geographical area or any precise age group. It seems to be affecting not only adults but also the aged and children of both sexes male and female. Management of stress is extremely important but unfortunately it is not something that does not exist in any syllabus of our educational systems.

Is It A Psychological Disorder

Stress is needlessly suffering from bad personal philosophies! This is not a psychological disorder, like severe anxiety, depression, psychosis, or multiple personality syndromes. It differs from man to man. Someone feels stress while working someone while traveling or someone while before facing jury.

Take a few moments to reflect how good or bad your personal philosophies might be. Be very careful during this type of inquiry. How confident, happy, healthy and successful you are in your life will depend on the quality of your personal philosophies. So, TOO MUCH will increase the amount of stress in your experience. All because stress, at its roots is mostly a philosophical disorder. It can affect any individual whether they have or have not a true psychological disorder.

Stress management

Stress management is usually associated with meditation or yoga and other relaxation exercises. Mind calming techniques such as deep breathing in fresh air or visualization of delightful scenes or think about mind-blowing moments play an important role in stress management. To associate stress reduction with stress management the first step to follow is the acceptance that there will be factors to push your limits and introduce stress levels in your every day life. Now, once that is acknowledged, you can proceed to manage it. Actually it involves first of all finding the source of stress and to address the source rather than the result.

For instance, as there is a tight time limit for you to finish for some project at work which causes to you great stress; in this case, the source of stress is the tight time limit at work; here you need to manage your resources, time, workforce, etc to ensure that you will meet the deadline and you would have managed your stress efficiently and that is works.

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