Technology Networking & Internet

How To Drive Targeted Traffic Using Audio

Most internet based enterprise owners rely on text content material to drive targeted traffic to their web sites, but with just about everybody making use of written materials, it's time to add a little spice and stand out from the others. This part discusses AUDIO and several of the ideal ways to make the most of it.

Exactly how do you produce MP3's?

Let's take a look at the Spaghetti Bowl Map for some ideas we could easily do:

* Transcriptions
* Read articles
* Interviews
* Strip audio recordings from video


For interviews relatively is you just get a microphone and use some software like Audacity that is 100% totally free and it works on Mac or Pc and you can just record. And that's how we create a professional high quality podcast using Audacity along with a great microphone. We've been attracting hundreds and hundreds of subscribers on our free podcast who turn into people who truly like what we discuss about and end up becoming buyers.


A lot of my staff record reading articles. I've in fact had all of them audition by sending in an audio and we've chosen the best ones and they read out our articles from our web sites and they're making their own iTunes podcast channels for our premium niche web sites.


Seperating audio from video is actually simple. I have a Mac so I actually use Convert to MP3 it comes standard with a Call Recorder and all I have to accomplish is pull any video clip into this field and it separates the MP3 so it is as simple as doing that.


There are a few things you can mix and match. If you wish to take the MP3 after which combine it with images you can also create a video. So maybe you didn't start with a video but you want to end up with them. So you use your favorite editor, your MP3 with pictures, and (my team actually does this) this could really provide you with a targeted traffic stream that sells all year round. You'll do it again and again.

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