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The Appeal of Model Railway Building and Operating

If ever I mention I am interested in model railroading when in a conversation with someone for the first time (and this may have happened to you too) I get the 'look'.
You can almost see the thought bubble popping up above their head saying 'but he is a grown man and he is playing with toy trains'.
Maybe its just the kind of people I associate with but it is annoying.
This is despite the fact it is in the top 5 of the most popular international hobbies or pastimes.
At one point, when I first started out in model railroads it used to bother me and I would squirm slightly when I mentioned it, but now I just do not care.
What you do is your business and if something gives you as much pleasure as this does for me then it is not a problem.
So why does a hobby that is connected to youth appeal to grown men of all ages? Well the main reason I think is that it rekindles their childhood memories of playing with their model railway with perhaps happy times spent with their parents and all the fun times associated with it.
It may even be a good way of having some quality time with your own children by getting them involved with the hobby.
Another fascinating aspect is the chance to build your own miniature world and do it your way.
And it can be any period in the history of railroads, whether it is an old steam layout or modern day electric or diesel trains they all can be replicated with some simple skills and a bit of time.
What about relaxation? Modern life can be so stressful for the modern executive who has to commute maybe 25 miles or more everyday in heavy traffic.
Then there is the possible stress at work with deadlines, a boss that keeps piling work onto you or maybe targets to hit.
With your railway model hobby you can come home and escape to your own little part of the house, shed or garage and forget all your worries while you slip into another world.
Perhaps a small country station in the English countryside or a dramatic city layout it is all in your own hands.
How about the skills side of things.
There is so much involved in building a good layout that you improve your skills at many things such as wiring, electronics, woodwork, metalwork, planning, modeling and building.
All this is done at your own pace a with no pressure at all so you can actually enjoy creating something unique to you.
Just going back to the opening paragraph again it often makes me smile when I think of some of those folks who gave me that reaction initially who are now actually involved in some way or another, or cannot wait to see my layout when they visit because I actually showed them what it was all about.
Nothing will stop me from enjoying this great pastime.
After all if its good enough for Rod Stewart, Michael Douglas and Burt Reynolds, then its good enough for me.
If you found this article of interest and would like to find out more about this fantastic hobby then you might want to visit http://howtobuildamodelrailway.
Happy railroading folks.

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