Health & Medical Anxiety

The First Step In Getting Rid of Your Panic and Anxiety Attacks

One of the first steps in seeking help with an anxiety or panic disorder is to seek out a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or clinical social worker.
For others, the first choice is sometimes a Priest, Rabbi, Pastor or Imam, depending upon your religious affiliation.
Some tell friends.
Still, others might go online to get more information.
There is no wrong, "First Choice.
" Don't become paralyzed as to what is the right first move in seeking help.
Action is power.
The point is, is that you reach out.
Don't be embarrassed or ashamed of the condition you are bringing into the open, because you are not the only person who has panic or anxiety attacks! If that were true, I wouldn't have written this article.
If you had purchased a new car, drove sensibly, kept up with the scheduled maintenance and one day you heard strange noises from under the hood, would you need to be embarrassed to bring the car in and see what's wrong? A few of us might, but many would tell the mechanic what they heard and tell him or her about the car's maintenance history, and how it might be fixed, etc..
There are thousands upon thousands of auto mechanics in the United States.
Why? Because things go wrong with cars.
It is a reality.
So too, it goes with people.
Sometimes, something doesn't quite work well within us and we need help.
Rest assured, there are many thousands of people out there who genuinely want to help people like you to get your life back together.
I recently made a visit to my gastroenterologist for a checkup after having been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.
I took my brother and mother along so they could ask the doctor questions I might not have thought of.
My brother, knowing how my focus of the world could be limited in scope asked, "Doctor, did you go to medical school just to treat my brother? Or are there other people out there with this type of problem that you treat everyday?" With a smile and a light-hearted laugh, he responded that, yes, indeed, he had more than one patient! As silly as that might sound, I was relieved to hear him say that.
It took the tension out of the air and made me realize that I am not alone in this.
In that one room I had the support of my family and the medical profession.
Today, because of that I am a physically and emotionally stronger person.
So, too, can you with your panic and anxiety attacks.
Seek out the help you need.
Take the first step in getting rid of unwanted panic and anxiety attacks in your life.

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