Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Treating Hemorrhoids With Infrared Coagulation - The Facts

Is treating hemorrhoids with infrared coagulation the best treatment?Many people that suffer from hemorrhoid can safely deal with them at home.
Usually, within seven to fourteen days time most mild cases of hemorrhoids subside on their own.
Of course, there are some individuals that are forced to seek out alternative measures for dealing with hemorrhoids.
Such measures may include things like a rubber band ligation, infrared coagulation or in more severe cases a hemorrhoidectomy.
Of the latter three methods infrared coagulation offers the patient some superior benefits.
Rubber Band Ligation Hemorrhoids that are deemed second degree hemorrhoids by a physician can be treated successfully, in most instances, with rubber band ligation.
This procedure is fairly simple; the doctor places a tiny band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off the flow of blood to the it.
  • The procedure, for the most part, is non-invasive.
  • If the hemorrhoid is internal, the doctor will have to use a tool to grasp the hemorrhoid in order to place the tiny band on it.
  • The band has a small potential for moving away from its original positioning at the base of the hemorrhoid.
  • The band has a small potential of breaking and will need to be replaced if this happens.
  • There is a slight possibility of infection.
  • Hemorrhoids may become thrombosed or an anal fissure might also develop.
  • There is a potential for lost time from work after this procedure.
Infrared Coagulation Many physicians are choosing infrared coagulation methods for the successful and pain-free treatment of hemorrhoids.
This treatment involves the use of a unique probe which delivers infrared heat to the hemorrhoid and which forces blood flow to cease; the result is that over time, the hemorrhoid shrinks and disappears.
The only thing that patient's report experiencing during infrared coagulation treatments are the sensation of a bit of warmth and nothing more.
  • The procedure is completely non-invasive and does not involve any surgical methods.
  • The patient does not need any type of local or general anesthesia when infrared coagulation treatments are performed.
  • Infrared coagulation is a completely pain-free treatment for hemorrhoid formation.
  • Infrared coagulation treatments have proven to be a method of hemorrhoid treatment which is considerably faster than other treatment methods.
  • The patient that undergoes infrared coagulation might have to deal with some slight bleeding in the area where the infrared probe was used for a few days time.
  • Sometimes more than one visit is required to alleviate the issue with hemorrhoids completely.
  • This method may not be suitable for treating more extreme hemorrhoid formations.
Hemorrhoidectomy A hemorrhoidectomy is a form of out-patient based surgery.
Basically, this method involves the actual removal of hemorrhoids by surgical means.
This method involves the use of sutures in order to re-close the area after being opened, unless the physician has elected to use staples to close the open area.
  • This procedure is excellent for the treatment of severe or extreme hemorrhoid formations.
  • The treatment is invasive and involves out-patient surgery.
  • The patient may experience difficulty sitting and standing.
  • The patient may experience additional swelling and pain after the procedure.
  • The recovery time may be extended for some individuals.
  • There is potential for lost time from work after this procedure.
  • There is a potential risk of infection.

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