Business & Finance Social Media

How Can a Small Business Successfully Use Promoted Tweets on Twitter to Their Advantage?

A few months ago, Twitter rolled out Promoted Tweets, a new service that many are calling its first viable business model.
An advertising platform of sorts, it not only provides a way for the micro-blogging service to generate its own revenue, but offers benefits to marketers as well.
If your small business has a presence on Twitter, rest assured that Promoted Tweets can be used to bolster your marketing efforts.
The following are some examples.
Promote Your Stuff At the current time, most brands are using Tweets to market their products and services.
A perfect example of this is how Google used the service to pump up Google Instant, a search enhancement that delivers results as the user types them in.
Small businesses can leverage this tool the same way.
When it comes to Promoted Tweets, however, the key is making sure your posts have what Twitter calls "resonance" a term that can easily translate to relevance.
If your tweets strike a chord in users, it will gain prominence in the search results and also appear in user feeds.
This is definitely what you want.
Encourage Re-tweets There is much value in the Twitter post that gets "re-posted" and as a small business owner investing in Promoted Tweets, this is what you should strive for.
An easier way to do this is to offer incentives to encourage users to re-post your content.
You do not necessarily have to give away freebies.
Generous discounts or exclusive sales offers can be equally effective.
Twitter is a platform that demonstrates the power of word of mouth marketing and its viral effect is quite strong.
Target your audience accordingly, and your Promote Tweets could go a long way in terms of reach and exposure.
Extend Your Reach Many small businesses are excited about Promoted Tweets' potential to help them reach a greater audience.
While Twitter gives you the ability to grow your own community within the network, connecting with the key users and influencers can be difficult due to the rules of following.
Using Promoted Tweets to create interesting, valuable posts could help your business get noticed by these important users and in turn, extend your reach.
When executed precisely, this strategy could give you exposure to audiences that would have not otherwise known you even had a presence on Twitter.
Monetize Your Twitter Marketing Efforts Promoted Tweets is still in its early stages, but as Twitter itself reports, the overall response from the user base has been very positive.
This is a good sign for those that are considering investing their marketing dollars on Twitter.
More advantages are sure to be revealed as the platform evolves but for now, feel free to use the tips in this article to make Promoted Tweets work for your small business.
Some of the top brands have already proven that they work.

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