Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Signs and Symptoms of HPV Warts

    • There are more than a hundred kinds of HPVs or human papilloma viruses. Some of these viruses are the ones that infect the genital area. This can often result in HPV warts. HPV warts can transfer from person to person through sexual intercourse and other intimate activities. The presence of HPV warts can lead to cervical cancer or penile cancer. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of HPV warts.

    Basic Symptoms

    • HPV warts may not be visible to the naked eye unless the growth of the wart is big. They are usually flesh colored bumps on the genitals or near the genital area. These bumps can be anywhere from less than a millimeter to a few centimeters. The warts can appear bigger when they join. Most people who get genital warts will not notice the presence of the warts until they feel some discomfort. The warts can also appear in other areas of the body including the anus, throat or the thigh area. The warts will appear a few weeks or months after being infected.

    Symptoms for Women

    • Women are more likely to get HPV warts than men. The first signs of the presence of the warts for women appear on the moist areas of the genitalia. These are on the labia minora or the inside of the labia and on or near the vaginal opening. Women may not experience some symptoms the first few months. Some symptoms may develop after a while including itching on the genital area or the anus and having an abnormal vaginal discharge. Some women also experience slight bleeding after engaging in sexual intercourse when infected with the HPV warts. Consult with a doctor to check if the warts are dangerous.

    Symptoms for Men

    • HPV warts on men appear on the penis, scrotum and urethra. Warts can also be present on the anus or the buttocks. The warts appear as smooth bumps on the penis and rough bumps near the rectal area. The appearance of the warts is the most common symptom for the virus. The warts can blend and form a bigger wart when left untreated. Men who are uncircumcised may find it hard to detect the warts that are under the foreskin. Other men experience symptoms, such as itching on the genital area and anus and some discomfort when urinating.

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