Law enforcement & police : Law & Legal & Attorney

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Techniques for Authentication & Chain of Custody

Techniques for Authentication & Chain of Custody

Law enforcement agencies utilize a variety of techniques in the evidence-collection process. One of the most important elements of crime scene investigation relates to the authentication and validity of the evidence collected. Failure to maintain accurate records that properly document the chain of ......[Read More]
How to File a Police Report Without Proof

How to File a Police Report Without Proof

If you are the victim of a crime or if you have witnessed a crime or its aftermath, you can file a police report. You are not required to provide proof when you file a report. If someone steals your purse, for example, or if you witness a hit-and-run driver in your neighborhood, the police will not ......[Read More]
Law Enforcement Block Grants

Law Enforcement Block Grants

The federal government has billions of dollars available to state and local governments through block grants.Police image by Zeno from Fotolia.comSince 1990, as state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies have struggled to keep up with the escalating wars on drugs, crime,.........[Read More]
What Is the Crime Rate Per Capita?

What Is the Crime Rate Per Capita?

The crime rate per capita is a statistic arrived at by dividing the number of reported crimes in an area by the number of people in the area. The crime rate per capita will vary city by city and state by state. The Federal Bureau of Investigation creates detailed reports of the crime rate around t......[Read More]
Bail Bonding Tips

Bail Bonding Tips

Bail bonds keep defendants out of jail while awaiting trail.jail in calico ghost town, arizona image by Albo from Fotolia.comBail bonds are financial contracts assuring that defendants in criminal cases appear in court at appointed times. Licensed bail agents handle the bail bond process,.........[Read More]
What Are the Causes of Prison Riots?

What Are the Causes of Prison Riots?

Major prison riots are rare, but when they do occur, the results can be catastrophic. Damage caused by such actions is costly to put right -- a riot in January 2011 at an open prison in Britain caused more than $4.25 million worth of damage -- and, in the worst cases, the unrest can have tragic huma......[Read More]
How to Access a CT Police Report

How to Access a CT Police Report

Police departments have different policies for issuing copies of accident or incident reports. Some require authorization from a named person in the report, some do not. Other departments only allow copies to those named in the report. Policies vary from department to department. The Connecticut Sta......[Read More]
Step-by-Step Do Your Own Probate in Florida

Step-by-Step Do Your Own Probate in Florida

There are three essential stages associated with probate action in Florida. First, under Florida law, a person seeking to initiate a probate proceeding needs to prepare and file a petition with the court. The next phase in Florida involves dealing with a series of preliminary matters. The final stag......[Read More]
How Does Parole & Probation Work in Oregon?

How Does Parole & Probation Work in Oregon?

The Oregon Department of Community Corrections uses probation and parole to balance the needs of the state, counties, victims and offenders. Through a variety of probation and parole services, the department helps offenders get their lives back on track, build job skills and reintegrate into the com......[Read More]
Laws About Neon Lights

Laws About Neon Lights

For some car enthusiasts, dressing a car in neon lights is a good way of making the vehicle more attractive. Neon lights make the car more eye-catching, especially when driving in dark areas. However, states have different laws regarding the use of neon lights on vehicles. Laws vary from.........[Read More]
How to Probate a Will in Pennsylvania

How to Probate a Will in Pennsylvania

Probate refers to the process where the Last Will and Testament of the deceased, or decedent, is verified and proved valid. Pennsylvania elects an official for each county, called the Register of Wills, to handle probate. Contrary to what the name may imply, the official does not register wills as t......[Read More]
How to Probate a Will in Mississippi

How to Probate a Will in Mississippi

Probate is the legal process whereby a court oversees the distribution of a person's property after his death. The court makes sure the will has been drafted properly with regard to distributing certain assets such as property. It will also address any debts and claims by creditors for outstanding p......[Read More]
Driving Laws in Afghanistan

Driving Laws in Afghanistan

In Afganistan, driving while sick, fatigued or sleepy is against the law.driving position image by Robert Kelly from Fotolia.comAccording to the U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs, driving in Afghanistan may be chaotic, especially with pedestrians, animals and other vehicles using the same.........[Read More]
Excessive & Disproportionate Use of Force

Excessive & Disproportionate Use of Force

The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) recommends that police officers use persuasion to obtain a suspect's cooperation in criminal investigations. A reasonable amount of force is considered the minimum needed for self-defense and protecting other citizens. Excessive force can have different......[Read More]
How to Prove a Violation of a No-Contact Order

How to Prove a Violation of a No-Contact Order

A no-contact order means the court has forbidden one person to communicate with another. It is a common part of many legal proceedings, including divorce cases, cases of violence and cases of stalking or harassment. Proving violation of a no-contact order can be difficult, but victims can protect th......[Read More]
How to Find Old Police Reports in Montague, MA

How to Find Old Police Reports in Montague, MA

To find old police records in Montague Massachusetts, there are two sources you have to contact -- the town clerk and the police department. After some time -- usually when a case is closed -- police records will be stored away for future reference. The town clerk also holds public, vital and govern......[Read More]
About Bergen-Belsen

About Bergen-Belsen

The brutality and horror of the concentration camps and death camps that existed during World War II are hard for most people to fully comprehend. Bergen-Belsen, in Lower Saxony just outside the German towns of Bergen and Celle, began as a prison camp at the beginning of the war and ended up as one ......[Read More]
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Probate Requirements

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Probate Requirements

Pennsylvania has no time limit on probating a will.gavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.comThe State of Pennsylvania requires wills be probated in the county that the decedent last resided. Montgomery County probate court and other counties can also hear cases in instances where the.........[Read More]
What Are the Duties of the SWAT Team?

What Are the Duties of the SWAT Team?

Anyone who has ever watched a action movie is familiar with this scenario: the police need to raid the home of a suspected drug dealer or criminal, so they send in a Special Weapons And Tactics team to break down the door. Meanwhile, helicopters deposit snipers on adjacent rooftops to cover the entr......[Read More]
Felony Probation Terms

Felony Probation Terms

Felony probation terms prohibit the possession of any weapons.gun image by dinostock from Fotolia.comWhen an individual commits a crime, the judge may offer her the opportunity to be placed on supervised release, or probation, instead of sending her to prison. Probation can last from one.........[Read More]