Law enforcement & police : Law & Legal & Attorney

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Job Description of a Bail Bondsman

Job Description of a Bail Bondsman

When an alleged criminal is arraigned the judge may grant the defendant bail. This is a cash amount the defendant must pay in order to be released pending trial. If the defendant cannot pay the amount, he may choose to hire a bail bond agent, or a bondsman, to bail him out. The defendant must pay ......[Read More]
How to Respond to a Telephone Threat

How to Respond to a Telephone Threat

Most threatening or malicious phone calls are intended to frighten and intimidate and never go any farther. Still, you should not ignore them. Report these calls to the police and the phone company if violence is threatened against you, your family or your co-workers. The authorities should also be ......[Read More]
How to Search British Police Records

How to Search British Police Records

Under the Data Protection Act of 1998, every British citizen has the right to request whether their local police station has collected any personal information about them. If records have been collected, an individual can request a copy of any record that has been generated about them. These request......[Read More]
Oklahoma State Police Car Regulations

Oklahoma State Police Car Regulations

Police car regulations guide officers in the operation of their vehicles when in the line of duty.Police sports coupe car image by Christopher Dodge from Fotolia.comThe Oklahoma statutes have laid down police car regulations that define the road rules of law enforcement vehicles..........[Read More]
How to File Against a Will in Probate

How to File Against a Will in Probate

When a person dies with a will, that person's executor (the person in whom the deceased vests the authority to execute the terms of the will) files the will in probate court. The probate court then supervises the disposition of the assets that are listed in the will. However, if a person wishes to c......[Read More]
How to File a Missing Child Report in Aurora, CO

How to File a Missing Child Report in Aurora, CO

In 2006, Colorado's General Assembly decreed that there is no waiting period for reporting missing persons, although the missing person must live in the county where you file a report, and his last known location must also be in that county. Accordingly, the police take reports 24 hours a day. There......[Read More]
How to Handle Prison

How to Handle Prison

Having to go to prison is the last thing anyone would actually want to prepare for. Life in prison requires some mental concentration and preparation, especially if you have never served time before. It is important to remember that you are serving time to eventually better yourself. Don't take the ......[Read More]
How Do I File for Probate in Charlotte County, Florida?

How Do I File for Probate in Charlotte County, Florida?

The Charlotte County Clerk of Court's office defines probate as the "court-supervised process for identifying and gathering [a] decedent's assets, paying taxes, claims and expenses, and distributing assets to beneficiaries." Probate is a necessary process used to finalize the affairs, personal and b......[Read More]
What Is Bail Bonding?

What Is Bail Bonding?

In the unfortunate event of being arrested, getting out of jail instantly is not free. Bail bonding covers the fees charged to be released from jail under the condition that the accused appears in court on a specific date.......[Read More]
Why Do SWAT Cover Their Faces?

Why Do SWAT Cover Their Faces?

Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) teams are elite units of law enforcements who are trained to deal with intense, highly sensitive operations such as hostage negotiations, police standoffs and suicide interventions. Due to the extreme nature of the job, SWAT team members utilize a variety of to......[Read More]
What Is Filing a False Police Report?

What Is Filing a False Police Report?

It's illegal to file a false police report or falsely report an incident that warrants a police response. This is a particularly heinous crime if the victim is someone who is accused of rape or abusing children. In many cases, the would-be complainant is trying to get an adversary in trouble, though......[Read More]
Police Confrontation Policies

Police Confrontation Policies

When an individual becomes a police officer, he takes an oath to protect and serve the people. Part of that protection can include confrontation with dangerous and violent individuals. Police departments provide specific policies for effective confrontation.......[Read More]
Felony Probation Terms

Felony Probation Terms

Felony probation terms prohibit the possession of any weapons.gun image by dinostock from Fotolia.comWhen an individual commits a crime, the judge may offer her the opportunity to be placed on supervised release, or probation, instead of sending her to prison. Probation can last from one.........[Read More]
What Are the Duties of the SWAT Team?

What Are the Duties of the SWAT Team?

Anyone who has ever watched a action movie is familiar with this scenario: the police need to raid the home of a suspected drug dealer or criminal, so they send in a Special Weapons And Tactics team to break down the door. Meanwhile, helicopters deposit snipers on adjacent rooftops to cover the entr......[Read More]
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Probate Requirements

Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Probate Requirements

Pennsylvania has no time limit on probating a will.gavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.comThe State of Pennsylvania requires wills be probated in the county that the decedent last resided. Montgomery County probate court and other counties can also hear cases in instances where the.........[Read More]
About Bergen-Belsen

About Bergen-Belsen

The brutality and horror of the concentration camps and death camps that existed during World War II are hard for most people to fully comprehend. Bergen-Belsen, in Lower Saxony just outside the German towns of Bergen and Celle, began as a prison camp at the beginning of the war and ended up as one ......[Read More]
Requirements for Iowa Parole & Probation

Requirements for Iowa Parole & Probation

Some individuals on community supervision in Iowa may not possess weapons.rifle image by petar Ishmeriev from Fotolia.comIn the state of Iowa, the Iowa Department of Corrections supervises both parole and probation. When a criminal offender is placed on community supervision in Iowa, he.........[Read More]
How to Find Old Police Reports in Montague, MA

How to Find Old Police Reports in Montague, MA

To find old police records in Montague Massachusetts, there are two sources you have to contact -- the town clerk and the police department. After some time -- usually when a case is closed -- police records will be stored away for future reference. The town clerk also holds public, vital and govern......[Read More]
The Psychology of Incarceration

The Psychology of Incarceration

"The Psychology of Incarceration," an educational course created by Khalil Osiris with Dr. Robin Herman and Tony Villa, Sr., helps prisoners or newly released prisoners adjust to life in the general population.......[Read More]
What Is the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine?

What Is the Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine?

The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine is a law that details which evidence can and cannot be used in a court of law. It comes from a Biblical phrase and means any evidence obtained illegally is tainted and therefore inadmissible in court.......[Read More]