A DIY Beginner's Guide - Build a Small Chicken Coop
If you plan to raise a few chickens for their eggs, you will have to build a small chicken coop where you can keep your hens. It is not difficult to make a coop for your chickens especially if you stick to simple designs. You can find a lot of simple designs on the internet that are easy to build ev......[Read More]
6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Hen House Designs
Hen house designs provide a way to allow prospective chicken farmers to own a chicken coop without the added expense of purchasing it brand new. These plans can often be followed in steps to produce a quality chicken house regardless of coop building experience.......[Read More]
Maintaining Your Chicken Coop - 4 Easy Steps
Whether you built your own Chicken Coop or bought a readymade or kitset Coop, you do need to care for your coop to ensure your chickens remain safe, protected from predators and healthy. Be sure to check your chickens and your coop at least once a day and if you are going away have someone check it ......[Read More]
Chicken Coop Building Plans - What is the Right Choice For You?
Just like with everything in life, having a great plan is of top priority.And chicken coop building plans are no exception.When building a chicken a chicken there are so many things to take into consideration that it can sound very overwhelming to the new comer.......[Read More]
Why and How to Build Your Chicken Coop Correctly
Before you just jump and run with the idea of building your own chicken coop, think about the reasons you don't want to do it incorrectly. There are dangers to be avoided. Good planning is an essential part of building a proper chicken coop, and keeping your chickens from suffering from mistake......[Read More]
How to Raise Turkeys - Common Mistakes and Problems to Avoid When Raising Turkeys
If you are just beginning to learn how to raise turkeys, you need to do any of research. While turkeys are relatively easy to raise there are some common mistakes that could happen that can be avoided with a little bit of research.......[Read More]
Portable and Small Chicken Coop
It is easy to construct a small chicken coop that is portable so that you can move it around in your yard. Look for plans for chicken coops online and you will find a multitude of options to choose from.......[Read More]
5 Tricks to Find the Best Chicken Houses For Sale
More and more people decide to raise chicken in their backyards. The reasons are quite simple - why buy something from the supermarket when you can be sure that what you eat is healthy? Both chicken meat and chicken eggs are very healthy foods. ......[Read More]
Science Fair Project - How To Hatch Fertile Chicken Eggs In An Incubator
Want a great Science Fair Project? Hatching fertilized chicken eggs in an egg incubator is a great project for kids of any age.......[Read More]
Choosing a Good Ranch Horse
My definition of a good horse may not fit the show ring model. We have different criteria. A really ugly horse looks darn good when he carries you safely through brush, along cliffs, and up and down steep canyons.......[Read More]
Cheap Way to Build a Chicken House
If you're looking to build a chicken house, you've probably been disappointed at the price of pre-fabricated kits. You'd think that they'd make them a bit cheaper! If you're keen to save some cash, and are willing to put in a little extra elbow grease, building a chicken coo......[Read More]
What To Expect When Raising Baby Chickens
Raising chicks from babies to healthy chickens is not the easiest thing to do in the world, but if you are successful it is very gratifying and will give you some amazing pets. It only takes a month or so to see some significant changes in your birds. Between age 3 and 6 weeks your chickens will she......[Read More]
Build a Chicken Coop - Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Chicken Coop
In everything that you do, if you want to do it right, there should be plans. This would make things easier to execute. When you have already sketched your plans, you would also be able to manage your time well.......[Read More]
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Chicken Coop
If you like having fresh and nutritious eggs for your breakfast then it may be a good idea building a chicken coop in your backyard. Now it is possible to build a chicken house using quality material that is inexpensive. Any if you have any material that can be reused, you can make good use now.......[Read More]
Chicken Houses!
Chickens are one of the most popular livestock for most households these days. The main reason behind the favorable rearing of chicks is the less amount of space they require for them to grow and multiply.......[Read More]
Poultry Nest Box For Chicken Laying
When choosing a nest box for chickens and other poultry it is advisable to take into account what material the product is made from. This article will show you the options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.......[Read More]
Global Anticoccidial Drugs Market: By Animal Types
The Global Anticoccidial Drugs Market is expected to reach $2.433 million by the end of 2020 growing at a CAGR of around 3.9% from 2014 to 2020. Coccidiosis as a disease is present in almost all types of animals ranging from poultry, ruminants to companion animals. In poultry and cattle markets the ......[Read More]
Keeping Chickens at Home is Not Difficult When You Know the Fundamental Steps in Caring for Chickens
Chickens can be kept in a small place at your home, even at the backyard. There is no need to create a special area for them to proliferate in, for keeping chickens at home is the usual setup when it comes to maintaining them. It is relatively easier to take care of chickens compared with other kind......[Read More]
Are Chickens the Perfect Pet For Your Family?
Whilst pets are wonderful to have they do have their problems. Dogs will bark of the neighbours, some pets can be very expensive and veterinary bills can be very expensive and what do you do with your cat when you want to go away for a week's holiday? But chickens don't bark at the neighbo......[Read More]
Scrapie in Sheep - Identify, Quarantine, and Eradicate
Scrapie is a fatal disease that is found in Sheep and Goats, which attacks the nervous system of these animals. Scrapie is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which is related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease).......[Read More]