Rodents : Pets & Animal

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Wild Brown Rat's Habitat

Wild Brown Rat's Habitat

Wild brown rats, or Norway rats, are a common rat species with the scientific name Rattus norvegicus. Brown rats are also a domestic species, with domestic brown rats often found in homes as pets and in medical and genetic research labs. Wild brown rats are found almost wherever humans are found, o......[Read More]
Different Ways to Make a Cage for a Guinea Pig

Different Ways to Make a Cage for a Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs seem to prefer a large space.Guinea pig by fence image by Curtis J. Alexander from Fotolia.comGuinea pigs need a minimum of four square feet of living space; this is for each pig if you have more than one. Their feet are very sensitive, so do not use wire bottoms on your.........[Read More]
How to look after your Guinea Pig

How to look after your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs can make affectionate, entertaining pets, but they need the right care and habitat. If the guinea pig is for a child, an adult should take overall responsibility for the animal's welfare. There is no such thing as a "starter pet," and guinea pigs need a fair amount of care. If treated pr......[Read More]
How to Wash a Hairless Rat

How to Wash a Hairless Rat

Hairless rats are friendly, sociable animals that make excellent pets and companions. However, they do require some special care because of their unique condition, which leaves them with sparse hair around the face and feet, a patchy coat, or no coat at all. Hairless rats need extremely clean enviro......[Read More]
Rats Vs. Hamsters as Pets

Rats Vs. Hamsters as Pets

Both rats and hamsters make great pets for people of all ages, charming owners with their intellect and interesting habits. And, happily, neither needs to be taken for a walk outside on a bitter cold night.......[Read More]
Signs of Old Age in Hamsters

Signs of Old Age in Hamsters

Elderly hamsters often suffer from fur loss.hamster image by Vasiliy Koval from Fotolia.comAs hamsters age, they face a number of diseases and conditions. The life cycle of a hamster is about two to three years, and after reaching one year of age, the hamster begins the old phase of its.........[Read More]
Do Chipmunks Burrow in the Ground?

Do Chipmunks Burrow in the Ground?

Chipmunks are ground-dwelling members of the squirrel family. They naturally burrow in wooded areas and in places that provide adequate cover such as debris or woodpiles. The territory of a chipmunk can cover as much as 1/2 acre but they only actively protect the area immediately surrounding the ent......[Read More]
How to Identify Which Kind of Gerbil I Have

How to Identify Which Kind of Gerbil I Have

Although there are over 80 types of gerbils, the Mongolian gerbil is the most common type of pet gerbil. Gerbils are mammals that are part of the rodent family who typically live 2 to 5 years. Gerbils are social creatures that make entertaining pets and require little care. To identify which kind of......[Read More]
How to Mate Hamsters

How to Mate Hamsters

Hamsters are popular pets among people of all ages, due to their small size and ease of care. Some owners decide to breed their hamsters, either for profit or because they would like to ensure that their hamsters' legacy carries on. As with humans, timing is everything when mating hamsters and there......[Read More]
What Does a Hamster Look Like?

What Does a Hamster Look Like?

Hamsters are members of the rodent family, so they resemble their rodent cousins like mice and gerbils. But you will find a few features of the hamster that sets it apart from all other rodents.......[Read More]
How to Make a Pig Using Text Art

How to Make a Pig Using Text Art

Text art, or ASCII art, is a type of art in which the image is made up of printable characters. This type of art ranges from the extremely simple, such as a smiley face, to the extremely complex, such as a full photograph reproduction, complete with shading. Though it may seem restricting, you can c......[Read More]
How to Kill a Rat

How to Kill a Rat

Rats are dangerous creatures for several reasons. They get into your food, eat electrical wires and start fires, and carry diseases. It is important to get rid of any rats you find in your home as soon as possible.......[Read More]
How to Disinfect Hamster Equipment

How to Disinfect Hamster Equipment

Hamsters originated from Syria and are considered an agricultural pest in the wild. Hamsters first arrived in America in the early 20th century. Because of their friendly demeanor and relative lack of disease, hamsters are often sought after as pets. Hamsters are naturally well-groomed animals and r......[Read More]
How to Build a Squirrel Feeder

How to Build a Squirrel Feeder

So perhaps you've installed baffles and found branches from which to suspend bird feeders. What you didn't anticipate were unexpected ones at the feast--squirrels. The squirrels get to the bird seed. Even worse, they can spill it all over the flower garden to start a crop of weeds. Try working with ......[Read More]
What Are the Causes of Bloating in Hamsters?

What Are the Causes of Bloating in Hamsters?

Your hamster's bloating could be the result of something very simple or something very serious.hamster image by cat from Fotolia.comA cuter, cuddlier relative of rats and mice, the hamster is a popular pet for its small size, its gentle demeanor and the relatively low maintenance it.........[Read More]
Can Mice Eat Peanut Butter?

Can Mice Eat Peanut Butter?

Mice will eat almost "anything and everything." In their natural environment, mice naturally eat fruits and grains. Mice may eat peanut butter, and may prefer it to other foods because of the high fat content.......[Read More]
How to Tell If My Hamster Pup Is Male or Female

How to Tell If My Hamster Pup Is Male or Female

Small, fuzzy pets are adorable, and many are more low-maintenance than the average cat or dog. Unfortunately, rodents such as hamsters can breed quickly after being born--even as young as four weeks--and do not recognize their opposite-sex litter mates as being off-limits. For this reason, it is imp......[Read More]
How to Treat a Hamster's Medical Conditions

How to Treat a Hamster's Medical Conditions

If your hamster gets sick it can be dangerous. Small animals, such as hamsters, can escalate from mildly sick to seriously ill very quickly. It is important to keep a close eye on your hamster's health. By catching symptoms early, you will be able to help your pet live a long, healthy life. There ar......[Read More]
What Kind of Cage to Keep an African Furred Rat In

What Kind of Cage to Keep an African Furred Rat In

The African soft-furred rat is native to the Natal area of South Africa and is just beginning to gain popularity on the pet market. They are generally gentle, sociable and good parents. The African soft-furred rat is also largely odorless, making them an option over traditional rats or mice kept in ......[Read More]
About Squirrels for Kids

About Squirrels for Kids

Squirrels are found in many parts of the world and come in dozens of varieties. They eat mostly foods they can find in nature, such as seeds, nuts and fruits, but are not shy about helping themselves to scraps of human food if they find it. They have sharp teeth that grow continually to compensate f......[Read More]