Rodents : Pets & Animal

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What Is a Teddy Bear Hamster?

What Is a Teddy Bear Hamster?

Teddy bear hamsters are so named because they resemble stuffed teddy bears. They're also known as long-haired, fancy or Angora hamsters. A type of Syrian hamster, teddy bear hamsters are mostly distinguishable by their long, soft golden coats. While female teddy bears have an extremely rich coat, ma......[Read More]
How to Build a Custom Guinea Pig Cage

How to Build a Custom Guinea Pig Cage

Guinea pigs are high-energy, active creatures and should be housed in a cage that provides plenty of space for them to run and play. Many widely available guinea pig cages are far too small to allow for adequate exercise. Making your own guinea pig cage at home can be a more suitable alternative to ......[Read More]
What Type of Octopuses Can Be Found in a Salt Water Aquarium?

What Type of Octopuses Can Be Found in a Salt Water Aquarium?

Octopuses are eight-legged cephalopods that are, according to Animal Planet, on of the most intelligent of invertebrates. Whether in the wild or in captivity, they have short lifespans, with some species living no longer than six months. Octopus exhibits often feature a variety of these animals for ......[Read More]
What Fruits to Feed Your Hamsters

What Fruits to Feed Your Hamsters

Hamsters need more than just seeds and grain to stay healthy.hamster image by cat from Fotolia.comMaintaining a balanced diet for your hamster is essential to keeping him healthy and happy. Along with the grain- and seed-based food you can buy at your local pet shop, there are a number of.........[Read More]
How to Find the Breed of a Dwarf Hamster

How to Find the Breed of a Dwarf Hamster

There are five dwarf hamster species (commonly referred to as "breeds") that are popular as pets, but they do tend to look alike. Linda Price, the founder of the California Hamster Association, notes that dwarf hamsters usually fight with hamsters of other species, with the notable exception of the ......[Read More]
Why Is My Pet Rat's Hair Falling Out?

Why Is My Pet Rat's Hair Falling Out?

With rats becoming a more common pet, knowledge about their health is growing. One of the common health issues a rat owner will come across is hair loss. A pet rat's hair falling out can be caused be a number of illnesses, but is one of the easiest health conditions to handle. Hair loss can be treat......[Read More]
Care of Sick Hamsters

Care of Sick Hamsters

Hamsters are small rodents that are common pets in the United States. Hamsters can be good pets if they are well socialized, but like any pet, they are prone to illness. Knowing what to do when your hamster gets sick is an essential part of taking good care of your pet.......[Read More]
How Can I Stop My Two Hamsters From Fighting?

How Can I Stop My Two Hamsters From Fighting?

Syrian hamsters are, by nature, solitary animals and should always be housed alone. Dwarf hamsters, which include the Campbells Russian, Winter White Russian, Chinese and Roborovski breeds, are more social and prefer to live in pairs or small groups. Yet even among this social variety, inadequate li......[Read More]
Cures for External Tumors on Hamsters

Cures for External Tumors on Hamsters

A hamster that has a lump anywhere on its body should be seen by a in hands image by aprilira from Fotolia.comAs with most life forms, hamsters become more susceptible to illness and disease as they age. An increasing incidence of tumors, both external and internal, are.........[Read More]
How to Make a Succulent Cage

How to Make a Succulent Cage

A succulent cage creates a living sculpture in the garden, lush with rosettes, spiky leaves, and shades of green, burgundy and gray spiked with exotic blossoms that bring to mind the desert spring, if not another planet. Succulents generally require little care and offer a wide range of drought-tole......[Read More]
How Do Hamsters Mate?

How Do Hamsters Mate?

Reasons for Breeding HamstersHamsters are furry little creatures that many boys and girls want to keep as a pet. These rodents have a wide variety of different coat patterns in colors that range from black, brown, orange, white, gray and somewhere in between. They make great pets and are.........[Read More]
How to Make an Aquarium Into a Gerbil Cage

How to Make an Aquarium Into a Gerbil Cage

Aquariums are the best homes for gerbils because they will chew their way out of plastic hamster homes and squeeze through barred cages. (And a loose gerbil can be easily injured or killed.) Gerbils find it extremely difficult to escape from an aquarium, and aquariums can be transformed into palatia......[Read More]
How Does a Hamster Give Birth?

How Does a Hamster Give Birth?

GestationHamster babies (called pups) stay in the womb of their mother for a differing amount of time, depending on what hamster species they are. Syrian (golden) hamsters have a 16- to 18-day gestation, while many dwarf species will wait about 30 days before giving birth. Hamsters of any.........[Read More]
Pet Hamster Information

Pet Hamster Information

Hamsters are one of the world's most popular "starter" pets. Inexpensive to keep and easy to care for, these nocturnal rodents are delightful to watch, and are friendly if handled gently and often.......[Read More]
Homemade Rat Cages

Homemade Rat Cages

Rat lovers may decide they need a new cage to contain new rats or to give old rats more space to roam around. Rat cages, especially large ones, are expensive and may not even provide the proper layout for the rodents to live comfortably. You can build your own rat cage using an old cabinet, book she......[Read More]
About Pregnant Syrian Hamsters

About Pregnant Syrian Hamsters

Syrian hamsters, which include the golden, teddy bear, panda bear and black bear varieties, are often described as entertaining little creatures that make wonderful pets. They are also extremely fertile mammals. In fact, many people who purchase hamsters at a pet store report that, much to their sur......[Read More]
Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin?

Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin?

Hamsters are natural omnivores, but fresh fruits and vegetables should form the core of any domesticated rodent's diet. Pumpkin and other forms of squash can provide a nutrient-rich snack or staple for hamsters.......[Read More]
About Chinchillas

About Chinchillas

When first introduced, most people don't even recognize this charming little creature that looks like a cross between a squirrel, a mouse and a rabbit. Unlike common pets as dogs and cats, chinchillas aren't as well known as house pets. Yet, if you'd love to have a pet but have allergies, you'll be ......[Read More]
Laboratory-Rat Diet

Laboratory-Rat Diet

Rats are used in numerous experiments; the simple behavior of the rodent can often be extrapolated to apply to human behavior. The most commonly used laboratory rat is the Wistar rat, a strain of the species Rattus norvegicus, or Norway rat. Many of these rats are descendants of a single batch bre......[Read More]
Gerbil Seizures

Gerbil Seizures

Gerbils are prone to experiencing seizure activity in their adulthood. Although there is no known treatment for gerbil epilepsy, the animal can hurt itself during aggressive seizure activity and should be seen be a veterinarian promptly.......[Read More]