The Best Grooming Tools for Cats
Some long-haired cats require more attention to grooming than short-haired catsMain coon cat image by Jaroslav Sojka from Fotolia.comCats are known for grooming themselves; however, they still need to be brushed daily to keep their shedding to a minimum and hairballs at bay. They will.........[Read More]
Tortoiseshell Cats Picture Gallery: Keeko
November is for tortoiseshell ladies, because they are cloaked in the lovely colors of fall. Let's take a stroll through this picture rainbow of tortie cats, each one reminiscent of a pile of maple leaves glowing in the crisp fall air.......[Read More]
Can a New Kitten Survive the Perils of Your Home?
Kittens are without question one of the most cute animals on the planet - bar none.The cute ways that they romp, purr and cuddle with you is an instant magnate - they are basically irresistible.However, before you bring that little fur-ball home, you might want to step back and consider a few care t......[Read More]
Cat Health Advice on Food and Nutrition
The best cat health advice on food for your cats is remembering they are strict carnivores and need a lot more protein than dogs or other pets. Your little tiger should be eating a good quality canned dish which contains taurine as this prevents blindness and heart disease. You should avoid meals co......[Read More]
Best Food For Kittens - 4 Helpful Tips
What is the best food for kittens? Here are 4 helpful tips on choosing a kitten food!......[Read More]
Symptoms of Cushing's Disease in a Cat
Feline Cushing's disease is a rare but serious condition caused by the overproduction of the hormone cortisol. According to the Merck/Merial Manual for Pet Health, feline Cushing's disease is most common in older or middle-aged female cats. Take a cat that displays any of the signs of.........[Read More]
Drinking More Water Can Help Prevent Urinary Tract Problems in Cats
Many cats are prone to painful urinary tract problems. The most common symptom is urinating outside the box which causes offensive cat urine odor around the house. Other symptoms include bloody urine, excessive licking of the urinary opening and even life-threatening urinary tract blockages. Read mo......[Read More]
Cat Bathing Techniques
Deciding to bathe a cat is a fairly extreme measure, generally undertaken only when necessary because of fleas or some other problem. Be prepared, be patient and do everything you can to keep you cat calm and to make the ordeal move quickly. Most cats really do hate getting wet and they'll prob......[Read More]
Is a Cat Right For You?
Cats make wonderful pets if you can understand them, spend time with them and treat them properly.Cats don't need to be walked. Cats are independent, but enjoy attention. Cats don't require training.......[Read More]
How to Prevent Indoor Cat Marking
Few things are more annoying than discovering your cat marking or emitting a spray of urine on objects indoors. Cats commonly mark an area to keep unwanted individuals away from their "territory," according to the ASPCA. They also use marking to create an atmosphere of familiarity and security. Disc......[Read More]
How to Treat an Upper Respiratory Infection in Kittens
Kittens are one of the most at-risk groups of cats when it comes to upper respiratory infections. Here we look at the main causes and underlying infections and what the symptoms involved are.......[Read More]
2009 Tortoiseshell Cats Picture Gallery: Nikkita
Tortoiseshell cats are cloaked in the color of falling leaves in November with their interwoven patterns of red, gold, and black. "Torties" are like potato chips; once you've enjoyed one, you'll want more. Feast your eyes on this parade of lovely tortoiseshell cats pictures, then......[Read More]
Reasons Why a Cat May Stop Using Their Litter Tray
There are many reasons why a cat might stop using their litter tray and it might not always be down to behavior problems. Medical reasons can be the reason so looking for signs that may tell what the problem is should be the first thing a cat owner does before worrying or even worse shouting at your......[Read More]
How to Prevent Feline UTI
Bladder infections, or urinary tract infections (UTIs), are a common and occasionally recurring condition for many cats. While adult male cats seem the most susceptible, any cat can exhibit the uncomfortable signs of a UTI at any time---straining to urinate in small amounts, urinating outside the li......[Read More]
Feline glossary description of epidemiology.......[Read More]
Natural Ways to Clean Cat Spray
Cat spray can be cleaned without harsh image by milemarsovac from Fotolia.comCats spray urine in order to mark their territory. The cat spray has a strong odor that becomes stronger if left untreated and bacteria is allowed to grow. The smell will also attract the cat to.........[Read More]
What Are the Causes of Gallstones in Cats?
Gallstones are rarely seen in cats, but when diagnosed, they are most often found in male cats. They are usually found when a veterinarian is examining a cat looking for another disease that causes the feline's illness. Gallstones, also known as cholelihiasis block, the flow of bile from the small i......[Read More]
How to Find Runaway Cats
If your cat gets out while the door opens or if it manages to slip out of the yard, it may easily become lost. The sooner a runaway cat is found, the more likely it is to avoid injury and stress. Take action immediately when you realize that your feline companion is missing and start your search. Th......[Read More]
How Give a Cat Medicine
As a cat owner, it is your responsibility to keep your feline companion in the best possible health. At times, this may require administering medicine to your furry friend. Although the process of giving medication may seem difficult, if done correctly, the experience is simple and you can complete ......[Read More]
Removing Cat Urine Odors
Are you struggling to remove the awful, lingering smell of cat urine?Discover how you can get rid of cat urine odor - starting today! ......[Read More]