Australian Film Grants
- Australian film production gets a big boost from the 3 image by Vitezslav Halamka from
Most Australian film grants come from government agencies and designated funding bodies. The federal government provides strong support to the Australian film industry through grants and other funding and development opportunities. This aims to maintain a viable film industry's production of culturally relevant, innovative and commercially sustainable films all over Australia. - The Screen Australia Feature Film Production Program assists the creation of a diverse range of quality Australian films. While commercial viability through regular theatrical screenings are preferred, project selection also requires high-quality scripts and proposals that can potentially engage audiences with Australian content. This program is open to films of any budget range, from low-budget films to large-format feature projects. Aside from production funding, the program can also cover post-production completion funding for a work-in-progress film seeking additional budget.
An applicant must first write a Letter of Interest to Screen Australia in order to receive an acknowledgment of interest for the project. This provides significant information about the film and its potential benefits for the Australian film industry. It has to be approved by the designated evaluating body of Screen Australia. If approved, the producer continues the application by passing the project’s financial plan (including the production and marketing budget).
Screen Australia Feature Film Production Program
Level 4, 150 William St.
Woolloomooloo NSW 2011
+ 61-2-8113-5800 - Screen Queensland awards funding to Australian feature film projects and international co-productions. While preference is given to projects initiated by Queensland film professionals, those in other Australian states are eligible to apply.
Project selections are based on the following criteria: amount requested; track record of applicant and production team; significance of project to Queensland; a minimum of one Queensland resident in the film’s key creative area (writer, producer or director); distribution, audience strategy and marketing budget; commercial sustainability of the project; and amount of Queensland spend in the percentage of the budget.
Screen Queensland Production Grant
Level 15, 111 George St.
Brisbane Qld 4000
+61-7-3224-4114 - The South Australian Film Corporation, a statutory body that directly reports to the Australian government’s Minister for the Arts, offers the Documentary Script and Project Development Program for South Australian documentary projects. It funds the development of screenplays, treatments and visual resources to secure the film's production financing.
Applicants can be any of the following: a credited South Australian producer or director; a South Australian producer or director with at least a half-hour documentary broadcast credit or recognized festival credit; or a credited interstate producer with strong South Australian key creative attachments. Aside from having control of the copyright of the project, an applicant must also provide a project commitment for a minimum of two years, renewable for another year.
South Australian Film Corporation Documentary Script and Project Development Program
3 Butler Drive
Hendon Common, Hendon 5014
+61-8-8348-9320, +618-8348-9300