What Time Is It in Sweden?
Question: What Time Is It in Sweden?
Let's find out what time it is in Sweden, and if/when Sweden changes clocks for Daylight Saving Time...
Answer: Sweden is on Central European Time (CET) which is GMT +1 (one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time), just like the rest of the European Union.
Sweden changes clocks to summer time (Daylight Saving Time) on on the last Sunday in March and goes back to normal time on the last Sunday in October.
They follow the European Community by doing so. Thus, in the summer months, clocks in Sweden spring one hour forward, resulting in an official time of GMT +2.
You can easily compare your location to see your time difference to the current time in Sweden:
- US Eastern Standard Time: Sweden is 6 hours ahead of you.
- US Central Standard Time: Sweden is 7 hours ahead of you.
- US Pacific Standard Time: Sweden is 9 hours ahead of you.
- Japan Standard Time: Sweden is 8 hours behind you.
- Australia Time/Melbourne: Sweden is 10 hours behind you.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway adhere to the same time in Scandinavia. There are different rules for Iceland time and time in Finland.
This article is part of the series What Time Is It in Scandinavia? where you can find out about time in other countries as well.