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Matrixing Internal Karate To Have The Strongest Punch!

Using methods developed through Matrix Karate, it is possible to generate intrinsic energy within a week or so. The actual science of the matter, the exact technology, is very simple. Of course, there are a couple of things that the student should be careful of.

I'm going to start with the warnings for the simple reason that I don't wish for my methods to cause damage to anybody. I found that it was very easy for over exuberant students to damage the shoulder when throwing punches. This destruction of the rotator cuff and associated elements can be avoided through classical studies.

When somebody throws a punch and lets the arm bang against the confines of proper shoulder construction the tendons and ligaments finally give way. If you practice holding the shoulder back, however, as in classical karate, the structure remains intact and is not damaged. I recommend that you search for classical movements which do not hurt the body, but which utilize the whole body (turning the whole body into the motion).

Also, I discovered that as the power builds it is possible to give oneself whiplash. This is the result of throwing energy through the body and the neck not being able to support the sudden increased magnitude and flow of that energy. I advocate that people learn to minimize their effort, and this through the study of energy and relaxation as practiced by some internal styles such as Tai Chi Chuan.

There are other things I could tell you, specifically to be careful not to grind the knees by pivoting on weighted feet, over throwing the hips when using the legs, and that sort of thing. The warnings I have given you here, however, especially in the previous sentence, should help you avoid any problems. Thus, let's move into building and using energy.

Get a plastic pipe 18 inches in length, place a golf ball in it, and cap the ends. Tape the pipe to your arm, and execute punches in such a way that the golf ball smacks against the end of the pipe at the same moment you end your strike. I know it sounds goofy, but soon you will learn how to thrust the golf ball smoothly through the pipe and cause a good impact upon, uh, impact.

This is what internal energy feels like, and you can take this concept and apply it to blocks and kicks, and the entire motion of your whole body. Now get rid of the pipe and ball and practice getting the feeling of moving weight through your arm so that you feel energy wooshing through the arm and collecting, suddenly and with focus, in your fist. Heck, now that you know the 'energetical' physics of what is going on, you don't even need that silly pipe and ball tool.

Pipe and ball or not, you need to learn the small motions that will help you build and use your energy, and, if you are smart, you will look to such things as classical arts. The classics of karate, Wudan, or other arts, have been developed to give this type of power. With the corruption of art in the last score of years, however, it is only through a study of Matrix Martial Arts that the true technology of the martial arts is starting to come to light.

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