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Joey Santos Designs - Premiere Clothing For Figure Skaters

Original and Stunning Creations:

Every design created by Joey Santos is original and unique. No two "Joey Creations" are alike. Every piece is custom made. Joey's standards are considered to be "better than perfect."

About Joey:

Joseph "Joey" Santos has been dancing and performing since he was seven years old. He has a degree in fashion design. He makes ballroom dancing gowns and also makes and designs figure skating clothes.

Creation Process:

Joey goes over and above for his clients. He meets with skaters, coaches, and parents and talks about costume ideas. He produces special custom patterns. Everything he creates must be perfect. He also does the decorating and stoning on all his designs. Personal attention is given and if an order has to be rushed, Joey will do it.

Clothes For Figure Skating Champions, and National & International Skaters:

Some of the figure skaters who have worn Joey Santos Designs in competition include:

    Local and Distance Ordering:

    Clients can purchase designs locally or from far away. Joey has made costumes for clients who live in all parts of the world.

    Ice Dance Costumes:

    A competitive ice dancer encouraged Joey to make and design figure skating ice dancing costumes in addition to ballroom dancing gowns. Joey's ice dance costumes are unique because of his extensive knowledge of ballroom dancing.

    Cost of Joey Santos Figure Skating Designs:

    It should be noted that the price of custom designed ice skating clothes may be considered too high for many ice skaters. Joey's designs are for very serious competitive figure skaters who are used to spending money on custom competition figure skating clothes, stones, perfection, and special details. Clients should expect to pay between $750 and $2000 for Joey's figure skating creations.

    Skating Dress Design Camp For Figure Skaters:

    Each year, Joey's Dress Camp, takes place at Colorado Dansport in Littleton, Colorado. The camp was originally organized by figure skating coach, Amy Schneider. With Joey's assistance, the figure skaters in the camp spend a day designing and drawing their dresses on paper. Participants also choose fabrics and stones.

    They return two weeks later. During the two weeks, Joey does everything: He makes a custom pattern for each participant, cuts all the material, and makes the skating costumes.

    When the girls return, they come back to put the designs they created on the first day on their dress. Participants do all the embellishing, including applying rhinestones and doing required handiwork like attaching hooks and eyes.

    They may return one or two more times to complete their projects. Joey hopes that the skaters in his camp will stretch their creativity and imagination. He is there to inspire and help.

    When all is completed, camp participants put on a fashion show. They also get instruction on applying makeup before the fashion show.

    After the fashion show, the entire group goes out to dinner to celebrate.

    The cost of Joey's Skating Dress Design Camp starts at $500, but the rates may change each year. The camp's price includes fabric, rhinestones, instruction, makeup, the fashion show, and Joey's labor.

    Joey Santos Quotes:

    "Designing clothing for figure skating artists is a true passion for me."
    "The skating clothes I make are meant to help figure skaters feel like stars!"

    "I love making figure skaters feel special!"

    Contact Joey:

    Joey Santos Designs Inc.
    Colorado Dansport
    151 South Federal Blvd. F-1
    Littleton, CO 80123
    Phone: 720-353-6546
    Website:Santos Designs Inc.

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