Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Care for Night Blooming Jasmine

    • 1). Select a full sun planting location for your night-blooming jasmine that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight each day. Choose a planting location that also offers sandy, well-drained soil or amend your soil by tilling coarse builder's sand into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil to improve drainage.

    • 2). Plant your night-blooming jasmine in its prepared planting location. For best results, plant your night-blooming jasmine at the same level it was planted in its nursery container. Pack down the surface of the soil after planting and water generously to help settle the soil.

    • 3). Provide regular irrigation for your night-blooming jasmine to maintain consistently moist soil. Water your night-blooming jasmine in the morning or early afternoon to ensure that the foliage of your plant is not still wet at nightfall.

    • 4). Fertilize your night-blooming jasmine with a slow-release granulated fertilizer that has been specially formulated for flowering plants. Apply the fertilizer once a month according to the application directions on the product label.

    • 5). Prune your night-blooming jasmine, as needed, to maintain the desired size and shape. Remove discolored, diseased or dead foliage, as needed, to keep your night-blooming jasmine looking its best. Use only sharpened and sterilized pruning shears to prevent the spread of plant diseases and minimize the pruning stress to your night-blooming jasmine plant.

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