How Can Prisoners Obtain a Birth Certificate?
- Birth certificates are kept on file by the state in which a person was born. In order to obtain an official copy, one must contact that state. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested some basic guidelines for getting a copy of one's birth certificate. On their website, contact addresses and costs are listed for each state.
- It is possible that the states could change their fees without advance notice to the CDC. A phone number is provided on the website for each state. Be sure to call and verify the amount before sending your request. If you have difficulty reaching the department by phone, each state also has a website, which should contain current information. However, a phone call is likely to produce more recent information. For prisoners, obviously this could be a problem, so have someone call for you, if possible.
- Make the check or money order payable to the office identified. Be sure to send enough money to cover the number of copies you request. Do not send cash. If the cash is lost in transit, the office will not refund your money. Make sure to apply postage or the post office will not deliver your request.
- Be sure to give all the following information to ensure that your request is processed promptly and correctly: full name of the person whose birth certificate is requested, gender, date of birth (month, day and year), place of birth (city, county, state, and hospital if known), names of parents (including mother's maiden name), purpose for which the record is requested and relationship to person (if other than self). Include as much information as possible to reduce errors.
- It can take a long time to receive your birth certificate. That is one of the reasons it is so difficult for prisoners to obtain these documents. It may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the state to process your request and send out your document. Be sure to contact the state if you are released or transferred. Again, help from an outside individual with a phone could be helpful in this situation.
- It is often difficult for prisoners to obtain their vital records due to lack of funds. However, there are some community organizations that can connect you with other organizations who can assist you. One such organization, the National HIRE Network, may be able to help inmates find local clubs and organizations that will help with costs.