Spiders in Southern Alabama
- Trapdoor spiders are medium-sized spiders which create trapdoors rather than webs to trap their prey. They dig burrows which are capped with a cork-like trapdoor made out of silk, soil and whatever vegetation is lying around, and whenever the spider feels the vibrations of a nearby insect or other vertebrates it spring the trapdoor open, snags its prey and drags it back in to feast.
- Known officially as golden silk orb-weavers, or nephila, banana spiders are large, harmless spiders which vary in color from reds to greens and yellows and generally reach around 2 inches, not including leg span, in the female of the species. Their name comes from the golden or banana colored silk the spider spins, and they are also known as writer spiders due to the zigzag patterns that sometimes show up in their webs.
- One of the deadliest types of spiders known to man, the brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) is a small spider that is normally light to medium brown in color and marked by the violin marking on their abdomen. They are harmful to humans because of their hemotoxic venom which can cause necrosis of the tissue in severe cases.
- Latrodectus, otherwise known as widow spiders, is another type of spider which can be found in Southern Alabama. Black widows are easily identified by their glossy black sheen and the shiny red hourglass symbol on their abdomens. While not particularly deadly with the advent of antivenoms, the black widow is still one of the most poisonous spiders known to man.