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Take Care of Yourself: How Taking Time Off Helped Triple My Income

You may be thinking, "You're crazy, I can't do that!" but all of those things on your list will be there when you get back. But when you get back you'll also have something else - clarity - which will help you tackle everything with a much clearer head.

I recently took some down time from my business, and it was the best thing I could have done. I practiced extreme self-care and it was the first step of several I took that eventually tripled my income. Here are a few of things I recommend to start taking care of yourself, which will in turn take care of your business.

1. Look at your calendar, pick a day and write in huge black letters O-F-F! This is not going to happen unless you mark it on your calendar and make it part of your schedule. Then when the day comes, do something for yourself to create some space. I got a massage, went shopping and bought myself some new clothes. I did not work.

I've really come to view appointments with myself as the ones I need to be the most mindful and most respectful of. So if you're feeling like you're overwhelmed, look at your calendar right now. Even if it's three or four weeks from now, mark it down and focus on yourself.

2. Find an activity other than work to enjoy. I added a new level of exercise to my life. I was already doing cardio a few times a week, but I really wanted to step it up a notch. I wanted to add more strength to my body, so I added Pilates. And the cool thing about it was that I had to make a several month commitment to it. I prepaid for six months and it's been great. One time I had just made a huge business decision and I was so stressed, but then I went to class and it helped me get back into my body and reaffirm that I had made the right decision and this was what I was supposed to be doing.

3. Be mindful of what's going into your body. I'm not talking about dieting here, but being aware of what you're putting into your body and how it's making you feel. I started to pay attention to what was giving me energy and what was affecting my moods. If I'm stressed out about work and feeling turmoil, I don't want to be feeling physically down as well. That's just a bad combination, and I think we as entrepreneurs need to be at the top of our game. It's not like we get to go into a cubicle and check out!

A few of the other things I did were to focus on sleep and I also got more bodywork (chiropractic) done. Do whatever works for you, whether that's massage, meditation or breathing work.

If you're attracted to conscious marketing and you've been guided to read what I have to say, you've probably at some point done many of these things or more, but maybe you're not doing them now. I invite you to revisit them, and take time for yourself, and you will see positive results in your business.

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