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What Makes a Perfect Golf Swing?

The first thing that was taught to me about golf was that I need to just RELAX! In my personal opinion, this is something that most of us have simply neglected or have forgotten how to do.
Playing golf is more than a hobby, it is a sport that is meant to be enjoyed and can relieve stress that has built up over the last week from work and maybe home, as well.
What is the point of playing or doing something that is meant to bring joy but because you're all uptight you can't enjoy it? I know exactly how it feels when you get that perfect tee time and that new set of clubs that but your day turns out terrible.
Your new clubs don't do what you had hope that they would do for your game, your shots are landing all over the place and you can't seem to get that perfect golf swing down because of your frustration.
Do you want to know the cause of all of your issues?! The problem is YOU! I know the truth definitely hurts doesn't it? Would you like to know where you are going wrong? I can tell you why.
You came out of the house in a mind state that is conducive to your overall goal.
Is this what you are thinking in your mind, "Hello, Friday.
I'm ready to kick this day's butt.
" I can relate completely to your killer instinct of wanting to make the course yours but you are missing that very crucial piece.
Before I even take one swing my driver the first thing that I like to do, and I suggest you do the same, is to simply stretch your back and smile.
This may seem like something a big macho man like yourself would think is for women to do but this is an extremely important step on the road to a successful day on the course.
By doing something as simple as smiling and stretching simultaneously it puts you in a place where nothing that is going on can possibly hurt your day on the course.
Your perfect golf swing depends on it.
Another thing you can do is to make a friendly wager with your buddies.
One that will make you the beneficiary of the winnings whether you hit a lower score or not.
Something simple such as, "If I win you owe me a 6 pack and if YOU win you owe me one beer.
Because they're trying to wrap their heads around what it is you are doing with your body this makes them fall for it every time.
HA HA HA! Suckers! So whatever the outcome of your outing you have a free beer and you've also spent a beautiful Friday afternoon doing something you truly enjoy doing.
There is nothing in the world that can beat that.
I promise that if you make these little adjustments your next Friday afternoon will be another enjoyable one.

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