Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Grows From Different Seeds

The root of anxiety grows from different seeds, in my case the seed was alcohol.
Alcohol is a depressant, as much as it can make you feel good for a time, long time use can cause mental disorders, along with the normal reduction of brain function caused by excessive use.
Not everyone suffers from mental disorders from alcohol, but in my case excessive use of alcohol left me with severe depression.
After a couple of years of drinking and depression, I started having panic attacks which lead to a vicious circle of self medication.
I remember my first panic attack like it was yesterday...
I was on the way to pick up my youngest son from school, when the gripping fear came on followed by dizziness and a very short blackout.
I had no idea what it was at the time but I new it wasn't normal.
At first the attacks only came on very now and then, but they terrified me and lead me to start drinking each time an attack came on.
The alcohol calmed me down and made feel strong and in control again.
So the vicious circle begins...
that's how my life went for the next 10 years.
It got to the stage I just stopped going out in fear of having an attack, instead I locked myself behind my front door and wouldn't step outside without a drink and my partner by my side.
I learned how to control the panic attacks when I went to alcohol counseling, but I still suffered anxiety.
The key to my recovery from Anxiety and panic attacks was to get my head around the fact that the panic attacks couldn't hurt me, and that I would be ok.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was my life saver.
It taught me about my feelings, why I was feeling the way I was, and how to control those feelings.
I feel so much better now than I have for years, since my attacks I went back to work, and are now capable of leaving the house without any alcohol or someone holding my hand.
I hope this short article can help you come to terms with whatever form of anxiety your suffer from, and helps you understand that you don't have to live with Anxiety.
You are not crazy, even though you may feel you are.
Please be aware there are many others like you and I all over the world and you can be free of these attacks for life.

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