Business & Finance Social Media

Top Ten Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

Almost everyone is on Twitter, and if you own a website or blog you know how important Twitter is for marketing and promotion of your websites and blogs.
But are you having trouble getting more followers? Many people wonder how those high profile people on Twitter have over 20,000 followers.
There is no scientific way to get thousands of followers per day, but there are tips you can follow to increase your Twitter following.
And remember, the more followers you have, the more traffic will visit your website or blog! Reply: Millions of people are posting tweets every day, so why not find some tweets you like, and reply to them.
A great way for the other person to reply back to you is to as a question.
If someone tweets about the weather in Vancouver, reply back and ask if they were talking about Vancouver, BC, or Vancouver, WA.
So, when that person replies back to you, your account name will appear in their tweet and all their followers will view your name and conversation.
And if that person has a large following, you have a chance to get great exposure.
Place an icon on your website or blog: Do you have a website or blog? If you do, it's a free way to promote your Twitter account.
Place social bookmarking icons on your site, and include a link to your Twitter account.
Link your Twitter account to your Facebook account: Facebook allows you to link your Twitter account to your Facebook account so that all your tweets will appear in your friends new feeds.
That is a great way to get targeted Twitter followers who you already know.
Re-Tweet: Do you really like a post someone tweeted? Re-Tweet it, all you have to do is type in: RT @user-name then copy and paste the tweet in after their user-name.
Often times they will respond with a thank you message, which is another way to get exposure through other persons tweets.
Socialize: Don't just post links and tell people what you're doing, instead, socialize with people.
Even if you don't think people want to read a reply from you, they will! So, reply to tweets, and socialize often to gain friends on Twitter.
Participate in trending topics: There is a list on Trending Topics in the right side bar on every page of Twitter.
So, why not participate in them.
If there is a trending topic about Los Angeles, tweet something about Los Angeles.
But do not spam, don't tweet all ten of the trending topics in one Tweet, that is just a way to lose Twitter Followers [http://www.
Post useful links: If you post a useful link, and people really like that link, they will Re-Tweet it, and if people Re-Tweet a tweet of yours, that is another great way to gain exposure on Twitter.
Participate in Follow Friday's: Follow Friday's are a great way to gain followers.
I participate in them every week, and many people reciprocate them to me as well.
I always follow people who I see have been tweeted by my friends on Twitter.
So, to participate in a proper Follow Friday, type in #followfriday then the list of your Twitter friends that you really like.
And most of the time, the will return the favor.
Participate in Twitter Polls, or ask one yourself: If someone tweets a question, answer it.
Don't just assume they don't want to hear from you, they asked a question, and they will want answers.
Also, you can ask a Twitter Poll yourself, just ask a question, and hope to get lots of answers.
Be friendly: People don't want to meet rude people on Twitter, so be friendly, and people will want to be your friend.
That is the most important rule to help you gain Twitter followers.
Just be yourself, and be super friendly.

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