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How to Make Your Own Beats on Sonic Producer

These days you need variety in your music so that you can create something that is truly unique.
You gotta have enough variety to stimulate interest so that people can feel your music.
Your beat has to keep changing so that you do not have a boring beat.
To avoid this you have to have a bad beat making machine that can produce thousands of sounds.
You need to follow your inspiration to create the beat that you really want to create.
You may need twinkles, chimes, long string guitars, rock guitars, maybe even a combination lick a kick drum and a synth combo.
There are thousands of sounds in Sonic Producer and You're going to have to use your own instincts to create a beat that is truly your own.
You can make beats in different ways, you can record them or you can tap them out in the time line.
It has 16 tracks in which you can mix, max, and master your beats.
You select the type of sound you want, say a snare, twinkles or a clap and drag it to the time line.
Then you play it and you can start recording your beat by pressing the record button when you think you have a good combination of instrumentals.
You control the tempo, you control the type of sounds, you control when and how many times you hear those sounds, you are the creator.
If you find yourself making a hot beat just hit the save button and sonic producer creates an mp3 file for you.
You can do whatever you want with it.
What style do you want? rap, hip hop, r&b beats? A G Flat Spanish guitar chord combo? You can set that up easily by simply selecting it out of a list.
Then you can go to work on track 2 and pick a drum kick.
Then add in a little piano to the instrumental mix and listen to the sound.
So where do you start if you don't like starting from scratch? A lot of people are not fully sure of where to start on their beat making.
Many artists like to start of by putting on a loop so that they can set the groove.
This really helps if you are the type of person that finds it challenging to begin with a blank canvas.
The tempo is also important so make sure its at a speed you like.
Then you can lay on some sound on each track in whatever order you are feeling it.
You can put on some snares on one track and maybe start it with a hat.
You just keep working on all the different tracks and from here on out its just a matter of personal preference so that you stop only until you are satisfied with the sounds you are hearing.
Then just hit the save button and you have yourself your own golden mp3 beat.
You can make all the beats you want and even enter some beat making competitions with other sonic producer users if you are confident enough.
You may find yourself actually behaving like an instrument musician after spending some time with the beat maker.
Once this happens, you'll be able to make even better combinations because you'll behave more like an artist.

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