Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Indoor Plant Care Anthurium Information


    • Anthurium plants need the right balance of light and shade. Never put them in direct sunlight because the sun will burn the leaves. Place a flamingo flower in a spot that gets indirect sunlight during the day. Anthurium indoor plants grow well in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees F. The flamingo flower thrives in a slightly more humid environment than other indoor plants. Get a shallow plant saucer and fill the bottom with a single layer of pebbles. Put water in the saucer, making sure the water stays below the top of the pebbles, to keep the anthurium out of the water.

    Care and Maintenance

    • The best kind of soil for anthurium indoor plants is a coarse potting soil with a peat base. Make sure the pot is able to drain well. Soggy soil can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Remove dead, faded, or brown flowers from the base of the plant. Check the soil once a week for dryness. When soil is dry to the touch, water the anthurium plant just until water seeps from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Fertilize every two months with a liquid fertilizer made for houseplants.

    Common Pests

    • Common pests to watch for are mealybugs and scale insects. Mealybugs are found on leaves and the stems of indoor plants. They are dull-white, small, and can be mistaken for a small piece of cotton. Scale insects are found on the undersides of the leaves.


    • You need to repot an indoor plant if the root system grows out of the existing pot. Select a container that is about one inch bigger around than the anthurium plant. Water the plant before repotting so the soil will hold the roots together when you put it in the new pot. Fill the new pot with fresh soil around the anthurium, making sure you don't pack the soil in too tightly, as doing so will prevent air from getting to the roots. Wait a month or two before fertilizing.

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