When to Expect Flowers on a Plumeria?
- The plumeria, or frangipani as it is sometimes called, grows well as an outdoor garden plant in temperate climates. In cooler zones, the attractive shrub is best planted in a large container and moved indoors when the plant drops its leaves and goes dormant in the fall.
- Since the plumeria is a flowering, deciduous shrub, flowers do not usually appear until the length of the daylight starts to shorten. Even so, this genus is distinguished by a flowering period that lasts for up to three months and individual blooms, which are particularly fragrant at night.
- In the wild, the plumeria flower is dependent on the sphinx moth for pollination. Since the frangipani does not produce any of the sweet floral byproduct called nectar, it must rely on deception to attract the night-flying moth. The flower accomplishes this by releasing strong scents at night. Consequently, the moth finds no nectar at the flower but does inadvertently pick up some grains of pollen.