Home Business Tips - How To Attract Business Professionals To Your Organization
Are you a serious Home Business Entrepreneur?
If there's one frustration shared by most SERIOUS Home Based
Business Entrepreneurs, its the proliferation of Pretenders
in this industry.
They are hiding under every rock, and lurking around every
corner...just waiting to jump out and waste your time.
If you're a SMART home business Entrepreneur, then you
learn to filter these time-wasters out from your prospecting
Sure, some will slip through the cracks...but there are steps
you can take to keep away the pretenders, and attract TRUE
PROFESSIONALS to your organization.
Take 2 minutes to finish reading this to find 3 powerful ways
to attract PROFESSIONALS and to repel PRETENDERS...
by simply being careful about the words you choose to use in
your marketing.
TIP #1
"Work Condition" Your Content
Pretenders are LAZY. they don't want to WORK. They are
looking for a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME - and they
expect YOU to give it to them.
Once they weasel their way into your organization, they will
absolutely suck the life out of you as they leech up all of your
valuable time and energy.
So how do you keep them out?
By "Work Conditioning" all of your marketing. Tell people,
up front and FLAT OUT, that what you are doing is NOT
Tell them that there is HARD WORK involved - that what
you are doing and/or selling is simply NOT for those who
aren't serious or dedicated Entrepreneurs.
If you want to keep PRETENDERS (a.k.a. Time Leechers)
out of your OWN organization, then AVOID THESE
Do not EVER use these words in ANY of your content or
your ads...these are LEECH MAGNETS (and Entrepreneur
Easy (i.e. easy money, easy profits, easy income)
Fast (i.e. fast money, fast profits, fast income)
And just imagine if you combined them?
Easy Fast Money
Fast & Easy Money
Just exactly WHO do you think you'll be attracting by focusing
on these two Entreprenerial-spirit-murdering words?
That's right - PRETENDERS (aka Time Leeches, aka Opportunity
Seekers, aka Get Rich Quick SUCKERS)
And guess who is turned OFF by the ideas of "fast" and "easy"?
Right Again - Home Business Professionals (aka Entrepreneurs).
You see, a true Entrepreneur will realize that building a successful
home business will be neither "fast" nor "easy" - and so when they
see these words, they instantly associate them with another word
that will drive them away like Richard Simmons from a "Long
Pants Convention":
So the first tip is let people know that there will be REAL WORK
involved, and that will keep AWAY the people who don't WANT
to work...that want everything "fast" and "easy", and who also want
YOU to do everything.
And it will attract the very people that you WANT in your
Home Business Professionals - Entrepreneurs like Yourself.
Tip #2
Don't Be Afraid Of Using An Intelligent Vocabulary:
There's an old adage that when you're writing ads, stick with a 5th
Grade Vocabulary (or lower) - unless you're marketing to English
This is usually true...when you're selling SOMETHING.
But this is NOT true when you're trying to attract Professionals to
your organization.
Professionals are typically smart, educated people. That is the
kind of person that you want to be Gravitationally Attracted to your
They aren't afraid of "big" words - and they actually understand
what they mean.
I'm not saying that you should construct your content to read like
a college essay - for the most part, you should still keep your
sentences and paragraphs short, your points concise, and your
vocabulary simple.
But you should sprinkle "Attraction" words into your content and
sales copy at opportune times - right as you're making your key
points, and during what is supposed to be your most influential
"direct response".
But it's important to remain Conversational. If you're talking to a
"real world" professional, just having a normal conversation with
them,they don't sound like they are giving a Doctoral Dissertation.
But at the same time, you can tell that they are intelligent, just
by the vocabulary they use naturally in their conversation. And if
YOU are an intelligent person, if YOU are a professional...then
you're naturally attracted to them.
But if you're NOT, then you are repelled by them... usually because
you're INTIMIDATED by them.
So as you promote your Business Opportunity, even a new mlm,
don't be afraid to use four-syllable words.
Want a practice idea? Look this word up in the dictionary, and then
try to fit it NATURALLY into your content that you use to promote
your business:
See if you can do it...
(note: My son won his school's spelling bee as a 4th Grader by
spelling transcendental. If a 10-year-old can spell it, then YOU
can learn what it means and USE IT)
TIP #3
Don't Market Money...Market PROSPERITY
Most Home Business Professional "Wannabes" market in the same tired
old ways - they throw CASH around on their websites - promises of
GLORIOUS RICHES with seemingly no effort whatsoever.
On the perpetrating sites, you'll see Benjamin Franklins raining
down from the sky, hot women draped sensually (see, you can weave
BIG words into your content! THAT's not a "5th Grader Word"!)
across the hood of an exotic sports car, and...well, you get the
But the problem with this type of marketing is it attracts those
Opportunity Suckers (notice how I turned that one?), and it repels
Business Professionals like a bus full of nuns from "Thunder Down
Under" (look it up).
If you want to attract PROFESSIONALS, then you need to avoid Dollar
Bill Waterfalls and other "Bling" - and instead, focus your
marketing on:
True Prosperity.
But what is Prosperity? What does that mean? And how do you market
Unfortunately, that is a subject that is far too broad (not to
mention too important) to cover in just a quick article - as most good
home business tips usually are.
Instead, this is a subject that should be demonstrated visually in
a live, interactive environment environment, like a live traing Webinar.
If there's one frustration shared by most SERIOUS Home Based
Business Entrepreneurs, its the proliferation of Pretenders
in this industry.
They are hiding under every rock, and lurking around every
corner...just waiting to jump out and waste your time.
If you're a SMART home business Entrepreneur, then you
learn to filter these time-wasters out from your prospecting
Sure, some will slip through the cracks...but there are steps
you can take to keep away the pretenders, and attract TRUE
PROFESSIONALS to your organization.
Take 2 minutes to finish reading this to find 3 powerful ways
to attract PROFESSIONALS and to repel PRETENDERS...
by simply being careful about the words you choose to use in
your marketing.
TIP #1
"Work Condition" Your Content
Pretenders are LAZY. they don't want to WORK. They are
looking for a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME - and they
expect YOU to give it to them.
Once they weasel their way into your organization, they will
absolutely suck the life out of you as they leech up all of your
valuable time and energy.
So how do you keep them out?
By "Work Conditioning" all of your marketing. Tell people,
up front and FLAT OUT, that what you are doing is NOT
Tell them that there is HARD WORK involved - that what
you are doing and/or selling is simply NOT for those who
aren't serious or dedicated Entrepreneurs.
If you want to keep PRETENDERS (a.k.a. Time Leechers)
out of your OWN organization, then AVOID THESE
Do not EVER use these words in ANY of your content or
your ads...these are LEECH MAGNETS (and Entrepreneur
Easy (i.e. easy money, easy profits, easy income)
Fast (i.e. fast money, fast profits, fast income)
And just imagine if you combined them?
Easy Fast Money
Fast & Easy Money
Just exactly WHO do you think you'll be attracting by focusing
on these two Entreprenerial-spirit-murdering words?
That's right - PRETENDERS (aka Time Leeches, aka Opportunity
Seekers, aka Get Rich Quick SUCKERS)
And guess who is turned OFF by the ideas of "fast" and "easy"?
Right Again - Home Business Professionals (aka Entrepreneurs).
You see, a true Entrepreneur will realize that building a successful
home business will be neither "fast" nor "easy" - and so when they
see these words, they instantly associate them with another word
that will drive them away like Richard Simmons from a "Long
Pants Convention":
So the first tip is let people know that there will be REAL WORK
involved, and that will keep AWAY the people who don't WANT
to work...that want everything "fast" and "easy", and who also want
YOU to do everything.
And it will attract the very people that you WANT in your
Home Business Professionals - Entrepreneurs like Yourself.
Tip #2
Don't Be Afraid Of Using An Intelligent Vocabulary:
There's an old adage that when you're writing ads, stick with a 5th
Grade Vocabulary (or lower) - unless you're marketing to English
This is usually true...when you're selling SOMETHING.
But this is NOT true when you're trying to attract Professionals to
your organization.
Professionals are typically smart, educated people. That is the
kind of person that you want to be Gravitationally Attracted to your
They aren't afraid of "big" words - and they actually understand
what they mean.
I'm not saying that you should construct your content to read like
a college essay - for the most part, you should still keep your
sentences and paragraphs short, your points concise, and your
vocabulary simple.
But you should sprinkle "Attraction" words into your content and
sales copy at opportune times - right as you're making your key
points, and during what is supposed to be your most influential
"direct response".
But it's important to remain Conversational. If you're talking to a
"real world" professional, just having a normal conversation with
them,they don't sound like they are giving a Doctoral Dissertation.
But at the same time, you can tell that they are intelligent, just
by the vocabulary they use naturally in their conversation. And if
YOU are an intelligent person, if YOU are a professional...then
you're naturally attracted to them.
But if you're NOT, then you are repelled by them... usually because
you're INTIMIDATED by them.
So as you promote your Business Opportunity, even a new mlm,
don't be afraid to use four-syllable words.
Want a practice idea? Look this word up in the dictionary, and then
try to fit it NATURALLY into your content that you use to promote
your business:
See if you can do it...
(note: My son won his school's spelling bee as a 4th Grader by
spelling transcendental. If a 10-year-old can spell it, then YOU
can learn what it means and USE IT)
TIP #3
Don't Market Money...Market PROSPERITY
Most Home Business Professional "Wannabes" market in the same tired
old ways - they throw CASH around on their websites - promises of
GLORIOUS RICHES with seemingly no effort whatsoever.
On the perpetrating sites, you'll see Benjamin Franklins raining
down from the sky, hot women draped sensually (see, you can weave
BIG words into your content! THAT's not a "5th Grader Word"!)
across the hood of an exotic sports car, and...well, you get the
But the problem with this type of marketing is it attracts those
Opportunity Suckers (notice how I turned that one?), and it repels
Business Professionals like a bus full of nuns from "Thunder Down
Under" (look it up).
If you want to attract PROFESSIONALS, then you need to avoid Dollar
Bill Waterfalls and other "Bling" - and instead, focus your
marketing on:
True Prosperity.
But what is Prosperity? What does that mean? And how do you market
Unfortunately, that is a subject that is far too broad (not to
mention too important) to cover in just a quick article - as most good
home business tips usually are.
Instead, this is a subject that should be demonstrated visually in
a live, interactive environment environment, like a live traing Webinar.