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Gardening and Peace Lilies

    Soil and Pot

    • Peace lilies tolerate a range of soil types so any variety of potting mixture works well. Avoid garden soil, since it doesn't drain well in the confines of a pot. Mixtures containing peat and perlite or vermiculite typically offer superior drainage, which prevents the soil from becoming soggy. Use pots with drainage holes on the bottom. These holes allow excess water to drain from the soil so the bottom of the soil doesn't become waterlogged. When growing the peace lily indoors, set the pot on a drip tray or shallow dish so the draining water doesn't result in a mess.

    Light and Temperature

    • Light affects blooming but does little to impact the health of the peace lily. The plant tolerates low light, even indoors, though it may not flower until the amount of light increases. If you are only overwintering the lily indoors, any location with minimal light works indoors and bright, shady areas supply the necessary light outdoors. If you grow indoors year-round, choose a location with bright but indirect sunlight to encourage flowering. Choose locations where temperatures are consistently between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. The peace lily tolerates temperatures up to 10 degrees lower at night. Avoid drafty locations near air or heat events, as these can chill or dry out the plant.

    Water and Fertilizer

    • Regular watering keeps the peace lily plant healthy and lush. Don't allow the soil to dry completely before watering, as dry soil can weaken or kill the plant. Feel the soil every two to three days and water when the top 1/2 to 1 inch feels dry. Indoor plants may require watering as little as once every one to two weeks, while outdoor plants need more frequent watering. Peace lilies have minimal nutrient needs but do benefit from fertilization every two months during the spring and summer. Apply a 20-20-20 soluble houseplant blend at the rate recommended on the label for your plant size.

    Disease and Pests

    • Peace lilies suffer few issues, especially if grown indoors year-round. Wipe the dust from the foliage once a month with a damp cloth. Dusting not only improves the appearance of the plant, it also wipes away any insect pests and keeps the pores on the leaves clear of blockages. Root rot may also pose a problem in plants that are overwatered, so avoid soggy soil. Peace lilies are also susceptible to cold injury, but maintaining temperatures above 60 F prevents damage.

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