Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

What Does a Tulip Bulb Look Like?

    True Bulbs


    • Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Louise Docker

      The tulip bulb has five main parts: a flat basal plate from which the roots grow; fleshy interior scales; a protective covering called a tunic; a central shoot which is the developing flower; and lateral buds. Cut lengthwise, a tulip bulb resembles an onion.

    Bulbs with Too Many Lateral buds

    • Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Lily

      Sometimes bulbs develop so many lateral buds that not enough nutrition can be stored in the main bulb. When this happens, flower production suffers.

    Separating Lateral Buds

    • If your tulips appear smaller or less vigorous than in previous years, you can dig them up to inspect them for lateral buds. These buds can be divided from the main bulb and re-planted.

    Growing Divided Bulbs

    • Lateral buds which have been divided have the same growing requirements as the original bulbs including a cold dormancy period. For that reason, dig and divide your tulips in the fall so the new plantings can take root before the ground freezes.

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