Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Lawn Weeds & Flower Identification


    • Crabgrass has thick stems that radiate outward along the ground from the place where the plant emerges from the soil; wide leaves are sparsely distributed along the length of the stem and more densely at its end. The chaffy flowers grow in clusters at the end of long upright stems; the clusters look like slender fingers that radiate from a point.



    • Plantain is a low-growing herb.plantain image by Aleksandr Popov from Fotolia.com

      Plantain is a low-growing herb consisting of ovate (egg-shaped) leaves on short stems that spring from the point where the plant emerges from the soil. The inflorescence (flower cluster) is a short spike, an upright stem with drab little flowers and later seeds that hug the upper half of the stem all around its circumference.

    White Clover

    Yellow Wood Sorrel

    Sensitive Plant

    • The sensitive plant, a weed on tropical lawns, has a thorny stem and a leaf with very small leaflets that look like fine-toothed combs and flowers that look like fuzzy pink balls. The leaflets fold up when touched so they are hard to see.

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