Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Sudden Death of a Pet

My Pomeranian seemed fine all day.
I lifted him upon the bed at bedtime and he began coughing and wheezing.
I never suspected anything because if you have ever owned a small dog, occasionally they cough.
I calmed him and for 2 hours both he and I were able to sleep.
We again woke to him wheezing and coughing this time it was more severe.
He seemed to be having trouble breathing.
Frantically, my husband and I tried to get him to the ER Vet which is 40 minutes away.
To all our efforts, he was gone.
He died in my arms.
I was devastated.
He was 5lbs of joy for 8-1/2 years and in a short 30 minutes he was gone.
I want anyone who has or had a small dog to keep this article in mind.
Expect the unexpected.
I had no idea that this cough was as serious as it was.
My vet told me that the only thing that could possibly have taken his life in 30 minutes was a ruptured heart valve.
Unless you have lost a pet in this manner, you cannot fully understand the trauma.
He was a member of our family and now he is gone.
I think about that night quite often and I think what could I have done differently? Grief is a strange feeling.
Sometimes you blame yourself and sometimes you just cry.
Peanut was a cute and loving little guy and he will always be remembered for the joy he brought into our lives.
He is truly missed.

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