Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Getting From Genital Herpes to Herpes Free - It"s Possible!

If you have contracted HSV2 and you think that getting from genital herpes to herpes free is impossible, think again.
Though there is still no known cure for the disease, it is possible for people with this disease to live normal and healthy lives and build and maintain healthy relationships.
The key to managing herpes is to control its symptoms and avoid outbreaks.
There are individuals who have the virus that have not had any outbreaks in years.
How were they able to do it? It is usually a combination of a lot of things which I will discuss shortly.
Before we proceed to the specifics of controlling genital herpes outbreaks, let me first provide a brief background of the disease.
Herpes is acquired and transmitted sexually, most likely from unprotected intercourse.
It is caused by a virus known as herpes simplex virus-2 or HSV-2.
The main symptom of the disease is the presence of blisters that appear in and around the genital area.
And now for the ways for getting from genital herpes to genital herpes free.
First of all you need to live a healthy lifestyle.
This means you should avoid smoking, excessive alcohol intake and too much fat, salt and sugar in your diet.
You need to keep your immune system in tip top shape because that is one of the ways to avoid having outbreaks.
Herpes outbreaks are often caused by stress so you must keep yourself stress-free as much as possible.
A good way to relieve stress is by exercising regularly.
When you exercise regularly you will also be able to strengthen your immune system.
Another way to control outbreaks is through good hygiene.
Keep yourself clean, especially your genitals and the areas surrounding it.
Lastly, maintain a positive outlook.
Believe that getting from genital to herpes free is possible.

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