Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Kennel Cough Vaccine

Prevention is always better than cure and if you do not believe this then you will agree that a stitch in time saves nine.
Where am I heading to with this? I want us to see what we can be able to do for our dogs who live in kennels, since they are prone to catch what is called the kennel cough.
We need to first understand that this cough is triggered by tiny organisms, bacteria, which are transmitted in the same way as the ones for a common human flu.
The fact that the nasal passages through which the organisms move is warm and moist makes this more conducive for them to replicate very fast.
The symptoms include a dry cough in the early stages, a sneeze and maybe a little bit harsh sound.
If the cough progresses to the more complex stages, then your dog is bound to suffer from pneumonia and experience some bad and painful throat and lung infections.
This is why it is advisable for you to find a kennel cough vaccine to protect your dog.
Kennel cough vaccines come in two types, the injection ones which are considered safer than their counterparts and and more convenient for aggressive canines.
It works more effectively if two doses are administered after four months.
The other one is the intranasal vaccination, which should be administered at two weeks of age.
It takes about for days to work and at an overall comparison, it is much better than the injection one.
The potency of this vaccine lasts for 10-12 weeks and should be administered annually for best effects.

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