How to Plant Corn on the Cob
- 1). Spread compost over the planting soil and till it in. Dig side-by-side ditches 10 inches deep, filling each ditch with the soil from the next one you dig; fill the last ditch with your fist ditch's soil. Allow the soil stand in the sun for 65 to 95 days so it is warm enough for the corn seed.
- 2). Plant the corn seed in at least four rows that are at least 4 feet long and 3 feet apart. Plant each seed 4 to 6 inches apart.
- 3). Water the soil every two to four days to keep it moist as the corn seed germinates. Rain will do this job for you, but you must water the soil by hand if there is no rain in this time period.
- 4). Water the soil once a week, providing the entire area with 1 inch of water, once the seed germinates. Add plenty of organic compost material to keep the soil draining properly, especially if it contains clay or sand.
- 5). Examine the ears of corn for dry, dark brown husks--which means they're ready to harvest. Pull the husk back slightly to see if the corn completely fills it; if so, it's ready to harvest. If the corn does not completely fill the ear, push it back over the corn and keep it closed with a twist-tie so it can grow further.