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My Display on My Laptop Got Big & I Can't Change it

    • 1
      Understanding icons is important when using a computer.icons image by andrey polichenko from

      Go to the printer icon on the top-right of your laptop screen. Click on the icon. Click on "Page Setup" and look at the options. Under "Page Size," make sure that "Letter" size has been selected. Under "Letter" size, make sure that "Portrait" has been selected.

    • 2). Go to the word "page" next to the the printer icon. Click on "page." Scroll down to the word "zoom." Click on "zoom" and make sure that 100 percent has been selected.

    • 3). Go to the top of the page and locate the icons, if you are open to a PDF file. There is a row of icons with a printer icon and a "plus" and "minus" symbol. Next to the symbols, there will be a display of the size of the images on the page. Make sure the page is set for 100 percent. If not, click on the percentage that is showing, to open a selection. Click on 100 percent.

    • 4). Close the file you have open. Look at the top-left side of the screen. You will see a row of words that looks like this: "File Edit View Favorites Tools Help." Click on the"File." Click on "Page Setup." Click on 100 percent.

    • 5). Go to the word "View" and click on it. Scroll down to the word "Zoom." Click on the percent showing if it is anything other than 100 percent.

    • 6). Go to the bottom-right side of the computer screen. You will see a percentage showing to the extreme right. If it reads 100 percent, do nothing. If the percent is larger than you desire for your screen, click on 100 percent.

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