Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Can My Kids Swim in the Same Pool That My Dog Swims In?

Whether you are already in the middle of enjoying your swimming pool for the season or you are trying to get prepared for the upcoming swimming season, it is important to make sure that you research pool health.
Even though pools can be extremely fun, they can also be extremely dangerous because of the chemicals and germs, not to mention the possibility of drowning.
Many people find that when it comes to their dog and pool health, they simply do not know what to believe or what to do.
It seems that the swimming pool is not just enjoyed by the humans, as many family pets love to jump right on in, go for a little swim and cool off some.
While this can be a funny moment and one that is home video worthy, is it safe? Can your kids play and swim in the same swimming pool that the dog swims in? Some people think that no, it is not a good idea because dogs are "dirty".
The thing is though, if the swimming pool is treated and correctly balanced, there should not be a problem with the children being affected by the dog wanting to join in on the family fun.
If you are afraid that you are not balancing the pool well enough, then you have a bigger problem than the dog wanting to jump in for a swim.
Children can be hurt by swimming pools that are not balanced or that has a little too much of the wrong chemicals in it.
Before anyone, children and dogs included, gets into the pool, make sure that you are testing for chemical levels to make sure that they are right where they should be.
Another thing that worries people is the thought of the dog becoming harmed because of the chemicals that are in the pool to protect everyone else.
Will the chemicals hurt the dogs eyes, skin, or internal system if some is swallowed? The answer to this is also a no.
your dog will not be harmed by the chemicals in the pool.
So in short, your children will be safe, the dog will be safe, and the chemical levels and balance will not be altered because your dog and the neighbor's dog and your mother's dog jumped in.
In fact, you could have a doggie swimming party and everything will still be okay.
Take a good look at your swimming pool before opening it up for the season and you will have no trouble ensuring that you are maintaining perfect pool health for your loved ones, the two-legged and four-legged alike.
If you are having trouble figuring out just what you need to do in order to make sure that your pool health is up to par, you may want to look for a little help from someone more experienced with pools.
Take owning a swimming pool serious and you will never have a problem.

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