Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Instructions to Make Outside Water Fountains

    • 1). Seal the inside and outside of a concrete planter that is at least 8 inches in diameter. The shape is up to you -- round, square or rectangular planters work to make fountains. Allow the sealer to dry.

    • 2). Turn the concrete planter upside down. Attach the decorative metal feet around the perimeter of the base of the fountain with waterproof construction adhesive. Space the feet at the corners, or evenly apart on round planters. Allow the adhesive to dry, then flip the planter upright.

    • 3). Cut a piece of rubber to fit over each drainage opening in the planter. Glue the rubber over all but one of the openings with silicone sealant. Make sure to seal around the edges of the rubber with the sealant. Cut a slit halfway through the remaining rubber cover. Fit the slit around the center of the power cord attached to a submersible fountain pump.

    • 4). Place the fountain pump in the center of the planter. Insert the power cord plug through the remaining uncovered drainage opening. Pull the cord beneath the planter until the rubber piece rests against the inside of the planter. Glue the rubber to the concrete with silicone sealant; seal around the perimeter of the rubber and along the slit. Allow the adhesive to dry completely.

    • 5). Fit the fountainhead over the top pump spout. Extend the fountainhead. Fill the planter to just beneath the rim with water. Plug in the pump. Adjust the fountainhead extension to keep the water inside the planter.

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