Technology Networking & Internet

SEO for Non-Technical People

Many Non-Technical marketing people and senior executives ask Internet marketing companies to provide bottom-line explanations of what Search Engine Optimization [SEO] is all about and why it is important using terms that are quantifiable and readily understandable. To that end, this article provides straightforward answers to a complex subject.

If you are a person who works in a marketing or executive capacity but are not technically aware of the steps that are taken to produce successful Internet marketing campaigns, you need to first understand that Search Engine Optimization [SEO] is not as mysterious as many have previously made it out to be. The following facts will bear this out.

In a word… relevancy is a primary key in successful SEO. Search engines merely try to determine a webpage's relevancy to the keyword phrase that was placed in the search box by the potential visitor. When you hear someone speak of the search engine algorithm, it is simply a combination of areas within each website page the search engines review and quantify in order to determine the page's ranking in the search engine results. This document is intended to give you some insight into: 1) a few important SEO components, 2) processes you need to understand when speaking with your Internet marketing people i.e. internal or outsourced, and 3) what they should be spending money on.

Our goal is to make you, the non-technical marketing person or other decision making executive, as knowledgeable as you need to be about Search Engine Optimization. We provide questions to ask your Internet marketing team to ensure your online business model is on the right track.

Company executives need to ask their marketing staff what immediate message is conveyed to a potential customer who lands on their company's website homepage. Is the information focused on the Company or the visitor's needs and wants? Are they trying to develop a long-term relationship with the visitor or just making a sale?

Next, pick any competitor's website homepage and tell the marketing staff they have 15 seconds to determine the primary message being conveyed. Have them write down their first impression. Now compare the answers… This will be an eye-opening exercise and make them look at your website with a different perspective.

Now we should be on the same page regarding important baseline info about most websites so we can take a deeper look into the things that your Internet marketing team can do to make your web pages rank higher in keyword search engine results. Remember, Search Engine Marketing has enormous potential to generate lead opportunities, revenue, and sign-ups, etc. because it actually has the ability to reach your visitor at the precise moment when he or she is interested in and looking for your product or service.

Get your team to invest time in understanding keywords, linking, and keyword density topics as they are the key ingredients found in all good and effective Search Engine Optimization [SEO] programs. Remember, SEO combines understanding the technical [science] part of what search engines are looking for in their algorithms with the marketing [art] deliverables.

Placement of keywords behind the page that is visible to visitors comes with very specific guidelines. Namely, you must insert the right Page Title, META Description, META Keywords and Headings within the HTML code that is displayed behind the page that visitors see. These are very important components found on every page within the website.

These are found in things don't you see, changes in the code that creates each webpage and the keywords behind the web page that search engine spiders "see" and use to determine the page's relevance and rank it accordingly in the Google, MSN, Yahoo! results.

Also keep in mind that it is highly unlikely that one person can create a website, select the proper keywords, create the on-page copy and develop the statements that will convert visitors to buyers! It usually takes a team of people

Finally, make sure each person on the Internet marketing team [in-house or outsourced] demonstrates their abilities and understanding in creating and implementing search engine optimization and other Internet marketing techniques or don't let them do it. Be sure to hire Internet marketing professionals to do the job if you don't have the capabilities in-house. Too much is at stake to leave this part of your business to chance!

Finally, be sure to hire Internet marketing professionals to do the job if you don't have the capabilities in-house. Too much is at stake to leave this part of your business to chance! We are pleased to provide you the insightful comments contained herein. Please contact us at or call us at 631-423-0815 for further discussion on how we might be able to assist you and your team.

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