Tips on Putting Flared Plugs in Your Ears
- Putting in a flared ear plugdreaminess image by sedjudor from
Unlike standard ear plugs that use O-rings in order to secure them in place, flared ear plugs are made with a lip on each edge of the plug to hold it in the ear. With this design it will be necessary to stretch the skin slightly in order for it to pass over the lip of the plug. Once in place, the skin will resume its normal form around the plug. - Apply heat directly to the area with water or a warm compress. This will cause the skin tissue of the ear lobe to soften and expand. Gently pulling and massaging the skin while it is warm will increase skin elasticity and blood flow. Increased blood flow will speed the healing process.
- Use a mild soap and water solution to thoroughly cleanse inside the piercing as well as the surface of the plug. Even if your piercing is old, there is still risk of infection when placing foreign objects within the body.
- Apply lubrication to the plug and the ear to help the flared edge of the plug to go through. Water based lubricants are easier to clean and have lower risk of irritation. Use oil based lubricants in moderation.
- Insert the plug into the piercing slowly. Attempting to push the plug into the skin quickly may cause tearing and will greatly increase your risk of infection.