The Phenomenon of Neuropathy in Relation to Kidney Function
Neuropathy is a general complication of patients with kidney failure.
Neuropathy might be revealed as encephalopathy, peripheral polyneuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorders, and less generally, peripheral mononeuropathy.
Phenomenon of neuropathy is linked to the intensity of kidney function, but not the kind of kidney disease.
In spite of this, there are particular causes of chronic kidney disease that influence the central and/or peripheral nervous system as well.
These are amyloidosis, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, and hepatic failure.
Additionally, there are innate disorders that have an effect on both the kidneys and nervous system, for example Von Hippel Lindau disease, Wilson's disease, and Fabry's disease.
Neuropathy is related with worse results in chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney or renal failure (uremia) arises when the kidneys slowly fail to work appropriately.
When the kidneys are damaged, fluids and waste products build up in the body.
In a number of cases, kidney failure might lead to peripheral neuropathy.
Because a lot of organs and systems in the body are distressed by kidney failure and fluid retention, kidney failure leads to a common state of ill health.
In addition, various complications might take place, containing uremic neuropathy (a kind of peripheral neuropathy that develops steadily and can badly affect 20% to 50% of people with kidney disease).
Some symptoms of uremic neuropathy include pain, numbness, and tingling in the feet and legs (can suffer resembling "pins and needles"); cramps, muscle twitches, or increased pain sensation in the feet and legs; and muscle weakness or reduced sensation can take place.
However, it is obvious that weaken cognition and sleep, dysesthesias, and weaken autonomic function would minimally cause reduced quality of life and incapability to work as normal.
If the neuropathy causes skin ulcers, so therefore surely this would effect in objective morbidity and potentially mortality.
Advanced encephalopathy can effect in seizures, coma, and death.
Neuropathy might be revealed as encephalopathy, peripheral polyneuropathy, autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorders, and less generally, peripheral mononeuropathy.
Phenomenon of neuropathy is linked to the intensity of kidney function, but not the kind of kidney disease.
In spite of this, there are particular causes of chronic kidney disease that influence the central and/or peripheral nervous system as well.
These are amyloidosis, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis nodosa, and hepatic failure.
Additionally, there are innate disorders that have an effect on both the kidneys and nervous system, for example Von Hippel Lindau disease, Wilson's disease, and Fabry's disease.
Neuropathy is related with worse results in chronic kidney disease.
Chronic kidney or renal failure (uremia) arises when the kidneys slowly fail to work appropriately.
When the kidneys are damaged, fluids and waste products build up in the body.
In a number of cases, kidney failure might lead to peripheral neuropathy.
Because a lot of organs and systems in the body are distressed by kidney failure and fluid retention, kidney failure leads to a common state of ill health.
In addition, various complications might take place, containing uremic neuropathy (a kind of peripheral neuropathy that develops steadily and can badly affect 20% to 50% of people with kidney disease).
Some symptoms of uremic neuropathy include pain, numbness, and tingling in the feet and legs (can suffer resembling "pins and needles"); cramps, muscle twitches, or increased pain sensation in the feet and legs; and muscle weakness or reduced sensation can take place.
However, it is obvious that weaken cognition and sleep, dysesthesias, and weaken autonomic function would minimally cause reduced quality of life and incapability to work as normal.
If the neuropathy causes skin ulcers, so therefore surely this would effect in objective morbidity and potentially mortality.
Advanced encephalopathy can effect in seizures, coma, and death.