Health & Medical Parenting

How to Use Music to Help a Baby Sleep

    • 1). Find some simple, soothing, repetitive lullaby-type songs to play for your baby at naptime or bedtime. Avoid any type of music that has unpredictable rhythms or that is stimulating. Lively tunes are not the best choice.

    • 2). Place a tape player or compact disc player in your child's room near his bed. Insert the tape or CD into the player and play the music at a low level where your baby can hear it, but where it won't be distracting to him. When the music is playing, you should be able to stand next to the baby's crib and hear him breathing as he sleeps.

    • 3). Allow the music to play to the end of the CD or tape. If your baby wakes up when the music ends, walk into the room quietly and turn the music back on. Resist picking up your baby during this time. The sound of the music may allow him to relax and lull him back to sleep.

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