Health & Medical Parenting

Stop Toddler Biting - A Parent's Survival Guide

As a parent it is embarrassing to know that you are having difficulty to stop toddler biting.  This can be an issue with your own children, at daycare, or with family members.  There are a few simple tricks in this stop toddler biting survival guide that will prove to be very helpful.

Below you will find three simple tactics that will stop toddler biting.

1.  Prevention - Make yourself aware of the situations that happen when toddler biting occurs.  The stop toddler biting method is best solved when you are active in situations.  It could be that your toddler is fighting for a toy or wants another child to leave them alone.  Pay close attention to see what triggers the biting in your toddler and this will help you stop it.

2.  Offer Alternatives - Toddlers understand much more than we give them credit for.  Sometimes to stop todler biting it is as simple as an alternative.  Explain to your little one to ask nicely for a toy.  If they are being bothered by another child, teach them to seek out an adult for a resolution to the problem.  Different alternatives will teach your toddler effective social skills and stop toddler biting.

3.  Reward Good Behavior - Don't let an attempt to solve an issue without biting go unnoticed.  You have taught them methods to deal with frustration, now reward them when they do so.  Toddlers respond well to positive reinforcement.  They are proud to please you and make the right decision to stop toddler biting.

As simplistic as the stop toddler biting method is, it is very effective.  If implemented the correct way, you will notice changes in your child almost immediately.

Remember that displaying anger will only creat more tension between you and your child.  Although this may be hard to do if you want to be effective in the stop toddler biting method you must remain in control.

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