How to Use Photoshop Elements 5.0
- 1). Create a new project by selecting "New" from the "File" menu. This will create a blank page on which image can be manipulated. Alternatively, you can use the "Ctrl" and "N" shortcut.
- 2). Create a new layer by clicking the "New Layer" button located at the bottom of the layers palette. Layers allow the user to edit images on different levels, meaning effects can be applied over the top of other effects. You can change the order of the layers by moving them around within the layers palette.
- 3). Experiment with different select tools found in the toolbox, to the left of the screen. The rectangular selection allows you to click, drag and size a rectangle that selects the highlighted part of the image. The magnetic lasso tool allows you to create a selection area that is created by the program, following edges and areas of color. The magic wand tool automatically selects an area of matching colors. These selections can be cut, copied and pasted as well as have effects added.
- 4). Select a color, using the palette tool. This color can be applied to your image using the fill tool, which will color a block of the image. The color can also be applied using the brush tool, which will color brushstrokes onto your image as you drag the mouse.
- 5). Hit the F1 key. This will load the user manual, which opens in an Internet Explorer window. Here you can explore further help and see examples of photo manipulation.