5 Reasons Why You Shouldn"t Go to Norway
If you have been dreaming of visiting Norway and enjoying beautiful scenery and nature at its finest, you might want to consider the five biggest reasons of why not to visit the country of Norway.
Although many people love to live in, work in or visit Norway, it might not be all that you imagine it to be. So what are those five reasons not to go?
1. You Might Not Be Able to Afford It
The cost of living in Norway is very, very high.
Even if you think that you have enough money stocked away for a wonderful vacation, you'll probably be surprised to find that you'll come up short while you're there. Norwegians typically make a lot more than those who live in other countries as a way of compensating for the higher prices, and simple vacation staples like food and cocktails can come with astronomical price tags and sales tax. If you're planning on visiting Norway, you will need to save up more than you think if you think that you're going to eat well while you're visiting.
2. Public Transportation Can Be a Pain
The public transportation in Norway can be a nightmare. The buses and trains don't run nearly as frequently as they could, so you could find yourself arriving very early or very late all throughout your vacation. Plus, the subway doors don't open on their own, and it can be very confusing and frantic to try to find the button while attempting to get on the already crowded subway. Look up schedules and timetables before you leave the hotel (or even before you leave for your trip.)
3. The Weather in Norway Isn't That Great
Although you might be dreaming of enjoying nature in Norway, you should know that the local weather in Norway very well might get in the way. The winters in Norway can be very frigid, and rain and wind are pretty much a daily thing. If you do choose to visit Norway and don't want to be too bothered by the weather, it's essential to visit during a "warm" month and to come prepared for rain and inclement weather. Also, make sure that you have plenty of indoor activities in mind to enjoy when toughing out the horrible weather.
4. You're in for a Culture Shock
Not only are the languages, sights and sounds different in Norway, but the people are as well. Norwegian people are very nice as a general rule, but they can be hard to get used to. Many people think that they come off as a bit cold, but that's just their nature. If you're looking to strike up friendly conversations with everyone you meet, you should think again about visiting Norway. If you're interesting in experiencing the culture of very different people and a very different place, however, you should be prepared not to be spoken to too much until the Norwegians get used to you.
5. Prepare for Language Barriers
Although it's a well-known fact that a lot of Norwegians speak English, you should know that this isn't the case for all of them. It's critical to get used to pointing and pantomiming if you're going to do well around non-native English speakers. Or, use a list of Norwegian words and phrases.
These are just a few reasons why not to go to Norway, so at least consider comparing prices of accommodations elsewhere first - before getting stranded in a country that costs more than you can probably afford, and being stuck in your hotel all day because of the cold and rainy weather!
This article is an independently written opinion piece, and is not intended to reflect everyone's views.