Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

How to Know if a Home Previously Had a Swimming Pool

    • 1). Inspect the basement and any outbuildings on the property for signs of water plumbing designed for pool use. Often when a pool is removed or filled in, much of the plumbing used to run the pool is left behind. Look for plumbing that goes outside. For example, water lines that go through the wall of your foundation to the outside and do not connect to a faucet. Look for old filter systems left in outbuildings that could have been used for a pool house.

    • 2). Inspect the records that came with the house. Many homeowners receive detailed records of maintenance completed, such as the installation of a furnace or air conditioning unit. You might locate information regarding the installation or removal of a pool. In addition, look for excavation work orders that could indicate a large hole being filled in.

    • 3). Speak to neighbors who live around the house. It is possible that longstanding neighbors would know if a pool was in fact installed and then removed.

    • 4). Go to the courthouse or to the local permit office if it is not located in the courthouse. In most cases, a permit is required to install or remove a swimming pool. Search the records for your home to determine if a permit was ever obtained for these services.

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