Travel & Places Hunting/Shooting

Mississippi Laws on Hunting Deer Over Corn

    • Hunting deer over corn is prohibited in Mississippi.whitetail buck image by Bruce MacQueen from

      The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks stringently enforces state laws in regards to hunting deer and other species over bait. The laws are specified under Section 49'7'31 of the Mississippi Code of 1972. According to the code, bait is considered any food or material for ingestion used to attract deer. Corn scattered, piled or dispersed through a mechanical delivery system is no exception. Corn is, however, allowed to be fed to deer during certain months by approved methods. Hunters using corn to feed deer must follow state guidelines and are subject to fines and prosecution for violating these ordinances.

    Feeding versus Baiting

    • Under Mississippi law, feeding is the practice of using approved feeders to disperse protein pellets or corn, which is allowed during certain months. Baiting, however, is the practice of piling corn or other substances on the ground, called a bait pile, and shooting deer as they feed. According to Mississippi Statewide Deer Program Coordinator Chad Dacus, feeding is acceptable providing hunters follow state guidelines, while baiting is illegal.

    Feeding Deer Corn

    • According to Mississippi law, it is permitted to feed deer corn in state-approved feeders from July 1 through September 30, and December 1 through February 28. During other months, including hunting season, hunters must only feed deer what is known as Complete Pelletized Ration (a mixture of crude protein and vitamins.)

    Required Feeding and Hunting Practices

    • Mississippi game laws require a deer feeder to be covered, above ground and placed out of the hunter's line of sight. This means hunters must post-up for deer in areas where they cannot see their feeders. Hunters are also required to be at least 100 yards away from approved, above ground feeders at all times.

    Feeding Deer on Private Property

    • To make the feeding laws fair, hunters are prohibited from placing feeders anywhere on their property. Feeders must be placed 100 yards from property lines. This rule is to curtail baiting (shooting deer under or near feeders) and squabbles between landowners and hunters on adjoining land.

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