Entrapped Foley Catheter: A Case Study
Entrapped Foley Catheter: A Case Study
Obstruction of the urethra can cause necrosis of the urethra. Without prompt intervention, this obstruction may lead to intrinsic renal failure. A unique nursing situation occurred with a patient's entrapped Foley catheter, requiring timely intervention. This case study reinforces that a nurse's ability to assess and describe clinical assessment findings to a physician via the telephone can be critical to patient outcomes.
An 80-year-old Caucasian male, C.P., was admitted to the surgical floor post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Post-operatively, he was sent to the intensive care unit (ICU) and placed on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) due to abdominal distention. While in ICU, a Foley catheter was placed to monitor his urine output. Pertinent medical history included atrial fibrillation on warfarin sodium (Coumadin®), hypertension, cirrhosis of unclear etiology, and mild dementia.
Abstract and Introduction
Obstruction of the urethra can cause necrosis of the urethra. Without prompt intervention, this obstruction may lead to intrinsic renal failure. A unique nursing situation occurred with a patient's entrapped Foley catheter, requiring timely intervention. This case study reinforces that a nurse's ability to assess and describe clinical assessment findings to a physician via the telephone can be critical to patient outcomes.
An 80-year-old Caucasian male, C.P., was admitted to the surgical floor post-laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Post-operatively, he was sent to the intensive care unit (ICU) and placed on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) due to abdominal distention. While in ICU, a Foley catheter was placed to monitor his urine output. Pertinent medical history included atrial fibrillation on warfarin sodium (Coumadin®), hypertension, cirrhosis of unclear etiology, and mild dementia.