Some Less Known Facts About Bottle-Feeding
Though it is universally accepted fact that mother's milk is best for a baby due to certain important benefits associated with it, but it is also a known fact that not all mothers choose to breastfeed their child.
Often such mothers are criticized for doing so.
In case, you have chosen not to breastfeed your baby, you can consider bottle-feeding as the next best option.
In fact, there are certain advantages associated with bottle-feeding, which cannot be ignored while eulogizing mother's milk.
Some of these benefits include: 1) If you are bottle-feeding your baby, you are aware of your baby's exact intake of milk.
On the other hand, a mother breastfeeding her child is concerned about if her child has had enough milk.
Formula milk is rich of essential iron and vitamin D.
2) Bottle-fed babies remain full for a longer time as compared to those, who depend on their mother's milk.
This is because formula milk does not get easily digested, and thus bottle-fed babies are required to be fed less frequently.
Therefore, a mother can get more rest with an increase of feeding interval.
3) A formula-fed baby is less dependent on her mother.
This also gives more independence to the mother.
Other than this, anyone in the family, including father, sibling, or grandmother can feed the newborn.
A bottle-feeding mother can return to her normal-life as soon as she wants.
This is because she is free to dress the way she wants and join back her job if she wants as anyone in the family can take care of the baby.
On the other hand, a nursing mother is required to dress up in a way, which allows her to breastfeed her child frequently.
A bottle-feeding mother can start with dieting after six week's time.
A breastfeeding mother is likely to face problems in lovemaking.
This is because many hormonal changes take place due to lactation, and it may leave her vagina completely dry.
She can also not take oral contraceptive pills due to the presence of hormones in them.
Other than this, a breastfeeding mother can face problems with her tender nipples and leaky breasts.
But, a bottle-feeding mother is free to choose the contraception of her choice.
She also need not worry too much about her diet like a nursing mother.
Other than this, bottle-feeding in a public place is less embarrassing for a mother as well as for other family members.
Not only family members can take turns to bottle-feed the baby, it is less tiring for new mother, and helps the entire family come closer to each other.
Like breastfeeding, bottle-feeding has its own demands.
One needs to be very well prepared to stock formula milk and ensure hygiene.
You should closely follow the directions printed on the label while you prepare formula-milk for your baby.
Often such mothers are criticized for doing so.
In case, you have chosen not to breastfeed your baby, you can consider bottle-feeding as the next best option.
In fact, there are certain advantages associated with bottle-feeding, which cannot be ignored while eulogizing mother's milk.
Some of these benefits include: 1) If you are bottle-feeding your baby, you are aware of your baby's exact intake of milk.
On the other hand, a mother breastfeeding her child is concerned about if her child has had enough milk.
Formula milk is rich of essential iron and vitamin D.
2) Bottle-fed babies remain full for a longer time as compared to those, who depend on their mother's milk.
This is because formula milk does not get easily digested, and thus bottle-fed babies are required to be fed less frequently.
Therefore, a mother can get more rest with an increase of feeding interval.
3) A formula-fed baby is less dependent on her mother.
This also gives more independence to the mother.
Other than this, anyone in the family, including father, sibling, or grandmother can feed the newborn.
A bottle-feeding mother can return to her normal-life as soon as she wants.
This is because she is free to dress the way she wants and join back her job if she wants as anyone in the family can take care of the baby.
On the other hand, a nursing mother is required to dress up in a way, which allows her to breastfeed her child frequently.
A bottle-feeding mother can start with dieting after six week's time.
A breastfeeding mother is likely to face problems in lovemaking.
This is because many hormonal changes take place due to lactation, and it may leave her vagina completely dry.
She can also not take oral contraceptive pills due to the presence of hormones in them.
Other than this, a breastfeeding mother can face problems with her tender nipples and leaky breasts.
But, a bottle-feeding mother is free to choose the contraception of her choice.
She also need not worry too much about her diet like a nursing mother.
Other than this, bottle-feeding in a public place is less embarrassing for a mother as well as for other family members.
Not only family members can take turns to bottle-feed the baby, it is less tiring for new mother, and helps the entire family come closer to each other.
Like breastfeeding, bottle-feeding has its own demands.
One needs to be very well prepared to stock formula milk and ensure hygiene.
You should closely follow the directions printed on the label while you prepare formula-milk for your baby.