Travel & Places Latin America

Galapagos Wildlife: Lizard - St James Bay

The Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) is a species of iguana that has the unique ability among modern lizards to live and forage in the sea.
Breeding-season adult males on the southern islands are the most colorful and will acquire reddish and teal-green colors, while on Santa Cruz they are brick red and black, and on Fernandina they are brick red and dull greenish.

Another difference between the iguanas is size, which is different depending on the island the individual iguana inhabits.

The iguanas living on the islands of Fernandina and Isabela( named for the famous rulers of Spain ) are the largest found anywhere in the Galápagos. On the other end of the spectrum, the smallest iguanas are found on the island on Genovesa.

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